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em-websocket 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 em-websocket

jekyll 4.4.1

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

32,374,194 下載

guard-livereload 2.5.2

Guard::LiveReload automatically reloads your browser when 'view' files are modified.

12,483,878 下載

pusher-fake 6.0.0

A fake Pusher server for development and testing.

7,457,398 下載

middleman-livereload 3.4.7

LiveReload support for Middleman

2,330,332 下載

chrome_remote 0.3.0

ChromeRemote is a client implementation of the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Ruby

780,477 下載

riddl 1.0.6

REST service interface definition, mixing, and evolution. Supports mixed http and xmpp ...

434,214 下載

goliath 1.0.7

Async framework for writing API servers

402,364 下載

brief 1.17.14

Brief is a library for developing applications whose primary interface is the text editor

268,238 下載

sinatra-websocket 0.3.1

Makes it easy to upgrade any request to a websocket connection in Sinatra

241,695 下載

jekyll-livereload 0.2.2

This is a plugin for Jekyll. It adds additional command line options to the server ...

217,656 下載

hawkins 2.0.5

A Jekyll extension that adds in Live Reload

167,574 下載

adsf-live 1.5.2

Automatically reloads when changes are detected.

166,278 下載

mrpin-sdk 1.0.84

Mrpin sdk for backend development.

147,460 下載

peatio 3.1.1

Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools

135,839 下載

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

122,221 下載

dripdrop 0.11.0

Evented framework for ZeroMQ and EventMachine Apps.

110,190 下載

dripdrop 0.11.0

Evented framework for ZeroMQ and EventMachine Apps.

110,190 下載

sinatra-websocketio 0.4.1

WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO

97,257 下載

websocket-rack 0.4.0

Rack-based WebSocket server

92,756 下載

magent 0.7.0

Simple job queue system based on mongodb

86,827 下載

magent 0.7.0

Simple job queue system based on mongodb

86,827 下載

jstp 1.3.6

Reference implementation for the sketch protocol JSTP

83,940 下載

yarrow 0.9.4

Yarrow is a tool for generating well structured documentation from a variety of input s...

83,320 下載

slanger 0.6.1

A websocket service compatible with Pusher libraries

77,759 下載

mad_chatter 0.3.4

Mad Chatter is a fun, easy to customize chat server, utilizing HTML 5 Web Sockets

71,897 下載

livereload 1.6.1

LiveReload is a Safari/Chrome extension + a command-line tool that: 1. Applies ...

65,463 下載

quark 0.4.1

A small service for logging and retrieving timeseries metrics into a Redis server

61,878 下載

mamemose 0.4.4

Markdown memo server

59,983 下載

react-rails-hot-loader 0.8.0

Tie into the `react-rails` gem to notify the client of changed files & reload asset...

59,513 下載

combi 0.4.0

Provides implementation for in process, amqp or web socket service bus

58,504 下載

總下載次數 48,266,508

這個版本 14,992,523




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