Dépendances inversées pour ejson Latest version of the following gems require ejson
anyway_config 2.7.1
Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications. Allows you to easily follow ...
21 100 286 Téléchargements
krane 3.7.1
A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...
1 701 313 Téléchargements
ejson-rails 1.0.0
Rails secret management by encrypting values in a JSON hash with a public/private keypair
1 164 314 Téléchargements
ejson_wrapper 0.5.0
Invoke EJSON from Ruby
430 390 Téléchargements
kubernetes-deploy 0.31.1
Kubernetes deploy scripts
359 223 Téléchargements
linecook-gem 0.7.36
Build and snapshot a system image for distribution, CI, or both using real chef cookboo...
229 358 Téléchargements
ops_team 1.21.1
ops_team handles basic automation for your project, driven by self-documenting YAML config
196 175 Téléchargements
record_store 8.0.6
Manage DNS through a git-based workflow. If you're looking for the original 'record_sto...
119 329 Téléchargements
capistrano-ejson 1.1.0
Automatic EJSON decryption for Capistrano
110 586 Téléchargements
photo-helper 0.5.8
A tool to automatate my photo workflows
52 257 Téléchargements
encrypted-environment 0.2.0
Load encrypted variables into the environment
35 755 Téléchargements
tobsch-krane 1.0.2
A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...
5 619 Téléchargements
runger_config 5.2.0
Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications. Allows you to easily follow ...
3 251 Téléchargements
secret_broker 0.1.0
Secret Broker
3 067 Téléchargements