Dépendances inversées pour dynarex Latest version of the following gems require dynarex
polyrex 1.4.2
A flavour of XML for storing and retrieving records in a Polyrex hierarchy
404 381 Téléchargements
dynarex-blog 0.7.5
360 085 Téléchargements
dynarex_cron 0.9.5
Publishes SimplePubSub messages by reading cron entries from a Dynarex document
111 302 Téléchargements
dynarex-daily 0.8.0
A Dynarex flavoured log file for humans which is archived daily
79 224 Téléchargements
dataisland 0.3.0
Transforms an HTML page containing XML data islands (a Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 ...
71 085 Téléchargements
dynarex-tags 0.6.0
Uses hashtags to help reference 1 or more records from an index file.
59 003 Téléchargements
reminders_txt 0.9.1
Reads and updates diary reminders from a plain text file
50 723 Téléchargements
dynarex-password 0.3.0
44 098 Téléchargements
spstrigger_execute 0.5.2
An SPS client built for reponding to messages which match keywords and conditions.
40 937 Téléchargements
dxsectionx 0.4.0
Transforms entries containing Markdown within a Dynarex document into HTML using the Ma...
35 195 Téléchargements
gogreen 0.4.0
Run RSF jobs from the command line using a Dynarex flavoured aliases file.
34 838 Téléchargements
contacts_txt 0.4.0
Reads a contacts.txt file
34 106 Téléchargements
mycoins 0.3.9
The mycoins gem calculates the current value of your crypto-currency portfolio.
33 768 Téléchargements
just-tmux 0.3.1
Outputs a string of tmux instructions for execution by the system. Commands for each Tm...
33 079 Téléchargements
weekly_planner 0.4.3
The weekly_planner gem primarily creates a weekly-planner.txt template file
30 423 Téléchargements
dynarex-levenshtein 0.1.7
29 240 Téléchargements
rss_to_dynarex 0.2.1
26 592 Téléchargements
tagcloudbase 0.1.7
Build a tagcloud from a Dynarex document
21 136 Téléchargements
monthly_planner 0.3.5
Stores upcoming dates for the month primarily in a plain text file
20 398 Téléchargements
myuniversaljobsmatch 0.2.1
A web scraper which searches for job adverts on findajob.dwp.gov.uk
19 250 Téléchargements
noticesys 0.6.1
A small part of an experimental microblogging system.
18 583 Téléchargements
dx_sliml 0.1.8
Uses a Sliml like format to transform a Dynarex document to HTML.
18 048 Téléchargements
hlt-site_builder 0.3.0
17 413 Téléchargements
addressbook_txt 0.3.0
Stores address book entries in a plain text file
16 064 Téléchargements
arpscanner 0.4.1
A wrapper for the package arp-scan. It can detect if a found MAC address belongs to a R...
16 016 Téléchargements
imagegallery2017 0.1.7
An experimental personal project to build a basic image gallery. Uses an external objec...
14 707 Téléchargements
indexer101 0.3.0
Experimental gem to search a list of words 1 character at a time. Intended for use as a...
14 125 Téléchargements
rsscache 0.3.1
This gem helps reduce unnecessary requests to webservers by caching RSS feeds where the...
14 078 Téléchargements
kja 0.3.1
Downloads and plays King James Bible OGG files from jamesrobertson.me.uk
13 000 Téléchargements
daily_planner 0.2.1
Creates a daily-planner.txt template file
12 590 Téléchargements