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dependabot-common 0.284.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support for multiple package managers, you probably want the meta-gem dependabot-omnibus.




  1. 0.299.1 February 28, 2025 (110 KB)
  2. 0.299.0 February 27, 2025 (110 KB)
  3. 0.298.0 February 20, 2025 (108 KB)
  4. 0.297.2 February 19, 2025 (108 KB)
  5. 0.297.1 February 19, 2025 (108 KB)
  6. 0.284.0 November 05, 2024 (104 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (878)

Runtime Dependencies (19):

aws-sdk-ecr ~> 1.5
bundler >= 1.16, < 3.0.0
commonmarker >= 0.20.1, < 0.24.0
docker_registry2 ~> 1.18.2
excon ~> 0.109
faraday = 2.7.11
faraday-retry = 2.2.0
gitlab = 5.0.0
json < 2.7
nokogiri ~> 1.8
octokit >= 4.6, < 8.0
parser >= 2.5, < 4.0
psych ~> 5.0
sorbet-runtime ~> 0.5.11577
stackprof ~> 0.2.16
toml-rb >= 1.1.2, < 4.0

Development Dependencies (15):

debug ~> 1.9.2
gpgme ~> 2.0
rake ~> 13
rspec ~> 3.12
rspec-its ~> 1.3
rspec-sorbet ~> 1.9.2
rubocop ~> 1.67.0
rubocop-rspec ~> 2.29.1
rubocop-sorbet ~> 0.8.5
simplecov ~> 0.22.0
turbo_tests ~> 2.2.0
vcr ~> 6.1
webmock ~> 3.18
webrick >= 1.7


Pushed by:


  • Dependabot

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 4.151.531

Desta versão 347

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 3.1.0

Versão Requerida do RubyGems: >= 3.3.7
