decorators 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 decorators
refinerycms-core 4.0.3
The core of Refinery CMS. This handles the common functionality and is required by most...
458,830 下载
refinerycms-acts-as-indexed 3.0.0
An extension to handle the integration of Refinery CMS and ActsAsIndexed
137,837 下载
refinerycms-page-images 4.0.0
Attach images to pages ins Refinery CMS
115,482 下载
type_station 0.7.0
A simple CMS that just works and can be bolted onto a rails app with easy.
62,177 下载
mongoid-forums 1.0.7
Forum engine for Rails 4 and mongoid
35,464 下载
cardboard_cms 0.3.1
Rails CMS made simple
19,838 下载
Forum engine for Rails 4 and mongoid. Forked from
10,378 下载
activeadmin-refinerycms-authentication 0.0.5
A Refinery CMS and activeadmin connector
10,369 下载
seo_meta_keywords 1.2.0
Adds meta keywords back into seo_meta
8,771 下载
susply 1.0.0
Robust engine for subscription managment
7,667 下载
refinerycms-api 1.0.0.beta
Refinery CMS's API
1,854 下载