Dépendances inversées pour csspool Latest version of the following gems require csspool
xass 0.3.1
Namespace in sass
32 682 Téléchargements
oreorenasass 3.4.14
Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, vari...
29 964 Téléchargements
css_inliner 0.3.2
inline CSS from external file(s) and/or style elment(s) in head element into style ...
26 760 Téléchargements
former 1.1.2
Converts HTML to form fields for editing values in the HTML
18 446 Téléchargements
cssplop 0.1.1
Inline CSS declarations into HTML element attributes.
8 381 Téléchargements