create_github_release 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 create_github_release
git 3.0.0
The git gem provides an API that can be used to create, read, and manipulate Git reposi...
155,539,965 下載
process_executer 3.0.0
An API for executing commands in a subprocess
2,039,780 下載
create_github_release 2.1.2
A script that manages your gem version and creates a GitHub branch, PR, and release for...
9,183 下載
ruby_git 0.3.1
An object-oriented interface to the git command line. See for project progress.
7,245 下載
semverify 0.3.4
Parse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'semverify' CLI command or the ...
3,523 下載
sheets_v4 0.10.0
Unofficial helpers and extensions for the Google Sheets V4 API
3,322 下載
simplecov-rspec 0.4.0
Configures RSpec to fail (and exit with with a non-zero exitcode) if the test coverage ...
2,599 下載
version_boss 0.2.0
Parse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'gem-version' CLI command or th...
1,829 下載
main_branch_shared_rubocop_config 0.1.1
Shared Rubocop configuration for the main-branch organization
1,050 下載
command_line_boss 0.2.0
Command Line Boss is a convenience layer over OptionsParser. It provides a simple way t...
937 下載
drive_v3 0.2.1
Unofficial helpers and extensions for the Google Drive V3 API
801 下載
discovery_v1 0.2.0
Unofficial helpers and extensions for the Google Discovery V1 API
739 下載