RubyGems Navigation menu

covered 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 covered

thread-local 1.1.0

Provides a class-level mixin to make thread local state easy.

1,593,293 下载

process-group 1.2.4

Run and manage multiple processes in separate fibers with predictable behaviour.

1,546,969 下载

process-terminal 0.2.0

Provide access to libc terminal funtions.

1,460,766 下载

process-pipeline 1.0.2

Execute composable shell-like pipelines.

1,450,759 下载

build-environment 1.13.0

A nested hash data structure for controlling build environments.

430,935 下载

async-rspec 1.17.1

Helpers for writing specs against the async gem.

368,242 下载

rspec-files 1.1.3

RSpec helpers for buffering and detecting file descriptor leaks.

313,026 下载

rspec-memory 1.0.4

RSpec helpers for checking memory allocations.

310,195 下载

build-files 1.9.0

Abstractions for handling and mapping paths.

226,632 下载

http-protocol 0.17.1

Provides abstractions to handle HTTP1 and HTTP2 protocols.

171,089 下载

teapot 3.5.4

Teapot is a tool for managing complex cross-platform builds.

169,934 下载

trenni 3.14.0

A fast native templating system that compiles directly to Ruby code.

129,956 下载

build-graph 2.1.1

Build::Graph is a framework for build systems, with specific functionality for dealing ...

90,267 下载

trenni-formatters 2.13.1

Formatters for Trenni, to assist with typical views and form based interfaces.

80,730 下载

build 2.6.2

Build is a framework for creating task based build systems.

80,601 下载

relaxo-model 0.19.0

A model layer for the relaxo document database.

71,804 下载

geospatial 1.14.1

Provides abstractions for dealing with geographical locations efficiently

67,733 下载

fingerprint 3.4.0

Fingerprint is a tool for creating checksums of entire directory structures, and compar...

52,264 下载

rack-freeze 1.3.1

Provides a policy for frozen rack middleware.

33,907 下载

activerecord-migrations 1.5.0

Provides a opinionated migration wrapper for ActiveRecord 5+

33,330 下载

variant 0.1.1

A policy gem for selecting different environments.

30,867 下载

build-dependency 1.5.1

A set of data structures and algorithms for dependency resolution.

25,152 下载

trenni-sanitize 0.6.1

Sanitize markdown according to a set of rules.

20,103 下载

utopia-gallery 2.5.0

A gallery tag for use with the Utopia web framework.

19,357 下载

activerecord-configurations 1.0.0

Simplified multi-DSN configuration for ActiveRecord 5+

17,028 下载

ffi-module 0.3.0

Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.

16,681 下载

async-slack 0.3.0

Build Slack bots and use real time messaging.

13,441 下载

lennarb 1.4.1

Lennarb provides a lightweight yet robust solution for web routing in Ruby, focusing on...

6,807 下载

activerecord-blanks 1.0.0

Convert blank values to nil.

6,312 下载

utopia-wiki 0.3.0

A simple wiki for Utopia.

3,681 下载

下载总量 205,511

这个版本 3,265




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.1
