couchbase 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 couchbase
couchbase-model 0.5.4
ORM-like interface allows you to persist your models to Couchbase
105,502 下載
couchpillow 0.4.12
CouchPillow is a light and comfortable Document wrapper for Couchbase Server.
74,081 下載
couchbase-orm 2.0.4
A Couchbase ORM for Rails
73,506 下載
couchbase-model-relationship 0.2.0
Closely bound relationships for Couchbase::Model
65,937 下載
jetel 0.0.18
Jetel - Custom made ETL for specific needs
32,997 下載
fluent-plugin-couchbase 0.0.2
Fluent output plugin for Couchbase 2.0
24,091 下載
couchbase_model_logging 0.0.7
22,411 下載
couchbase-structures 0.1.0
Stack, Queue and SortedList structures implemented in Couchbase
18,530 下載
couchbase-docstore 0.3.0
A Convenient Wrapper for the Couchbase gem, uses Map gem and adds new functionality
18,180 下載
couchbase-patterns 0.0.3
ActiveRecord-like Design Patterns and Other Design Patterns for Modeling with Couchbase
11,513 下載
metricstore 0.1.0
Metrics in a key-value store.
7,879 下載
newrelic-couchbase 0.0.1
Couchbase Instrumentation for NewRelic RPM
4,395 下載
memtrics 0.0.1
Accepts, summarizes, and stores continuous metrics updates to a memcache-compatible ser...
4,256 下載
icouchbase 0.0.1
Command line tool to work with Couchbase cluster
4,003 下載
sane_memcached_ttl 0.0.1
Add sanity to memcached expiration times.
3,372 下載