commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 commander
autility 0.0.4
Downloads utility invoices from common spanish firms such as Endesa or Vodafone.
18,671 下载
cuba-generator 0.0.7
Helps create cuba projects through a minimalist generator.
18,654 下载
hyhyhy 1.0.0
A tool for creating nice looking HTML5 presentations.
18,525 下载
mkgitignore 0.1.5
Easily creates gitignores from the Github gitignore templates repository
18,496 下载
ts_p8push 1.2.0
apple push notifications using only the new p8 format not the older pem format. fork fr...
18,414 下载
gtm-cli 0.2.3
18,217 下载
pusher-hackathon 0.1.3
A gem that starts up a server that authenticates your Pusher private- and presence-chan...
18,166 下载
loom 0.0.46
Command-line interface for the Loom Game Engine, brought to you by The Engine Co. (http...
18,162 下载
geometrialab-abak-flow 0.2.7
Простой набор правил и комманд, заточеных для работы в git-flow с использование в качес...
18,045 下载
dockrails 1.1.0
Docker + Rails + Mac + Dev = <3
17,943 下载
project_madurai 0.1.0
Extracts title and author from project madurai site and create cover page generator
17,807 下载
cinder 0.5.5
Cinder does the heavy lifting for building and distributing iOS applications in a cont...
17,807 下载
courgette 0.4.0
Static ruby dependency analyser
17,774 下载
russh 0.0.7
Russh: Ruby + SSH. SSH Config Manager for Ruby
17,711 下载
mdqt 0.8.0
Library and commandline utility for downloading SAML metadata from MDQ services
17,517 下载
ObjCGenerator 0.0.7
This ruby script generates Objective-C code based on a json description, please read th...
17,498 下载
iapi-idlc-sdk-deploy 1.0.11
Provides deploy libraries for idlc-sdk. This gem is part of the IDLC SDK
17,496 下载
tarbit 1.0.10
17,353 下载
mlb_terminal 0.0.5
A small terminal app to pipe formatted MLB baseball feeds into the terminal for easy ma...
17,337 下载
github_issue_stats 0.8.0
Utility for collecting stats on number of open issues over time in GitHub repositories.
17,241 下载
waddup 0.2.2
Waddup retraces your activities from arbitrary sources such as version control, issue t...
17,232 下载
flutter_polyglot_cli 1.2.1
A CLI for pulling polyglot translations and generating Flutter Source Files
17,226 下载
henchman-sync 0.4.0
OS X app that sits on top of iTunes to sync music with Dropbox
17,093 下载
org_mode 0.1.0
Org-mode parser, presenter, and reformatter. Read more about it on the github pages.
17,028 下载
trikle-mail 0.1.0
Send bulk email in a trickle over mandrill
16,853 下载
dblpbib 0.2.0
Automatically create bibliographies for BibTeX DBLP references. This utility is meant t...
16,745 下载
nopoint 0.3.4
Generate fancy html-slideshows from simple markdown files
16,738 下载
todone 0.2.7
Toone is a command-line tool that gives you the ability to better integrate git with yo...
16,668 下载
twineCSV 1.1.3
With twineCSV you can convert your localisation files to csv, so that others can edit t...
16,631 下载
pacmine 0.1.3
* pacmine is a small tool to get a list of the packages a person maintains from archlin...
16,616 下载