RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para commander La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren commander

fastlane 2.226.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

151.705.327 Descargas

analytics-ruby 2.5.0

The ruby analytics library

34.456.049 Descargas

parlour 9.1.0

A type information generator, merger and parser for Sorbet and Ruby 3/Steep

11.395.971 Descargas

houston 2.4.0

Houston is a simple gem for sending Apple Push Notifications. Pass your credentials, co...

6.467.764 Descargas

terraform_landscape 0.3.4

Improve output of Terraform plans with color and indentation

2.696.666 Descargas

fastlane_core 1.0.0

Contains all shared code/dependencies of the

2.378.306 Descargas

credentials_manager 1.0.0

Password manager used in

1.887.821 Descargas

venice 0.6.0

Ruby Gem for In-App Purchase Receipt Verification

1.835.614 Descargas

posthog-ruby 2.7.1

The PostHog ruby library

1.173.487 Descargas

rhc 1.38.7

The client tools for the OpenShift platform that allow for application management.

836.112 Descargas

vmfloaty 1.8.1

A helper tool for vmpooler to help you stay afloat

793.442 Descargas

krausefx-shenzhen 0.14.11

CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)

663.928 Descargas

passbook 0.4.4

This gem allows you to create IOS Passbooks. Unlike some, this works with Rails but d...

640.643 Descargas

rudder-sdk-ruby 3.1.1

The Rudder ruby analytics library

524.904 Descargas

stack_master 2.16.0

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

488.547 Descargas

shenzhen 0.14.3

CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)

424.251 Descargas

carthage_cache 0.9.1

CarthageCache generate a hash key based on the content of your Cartfile.resolved and ch...

372.797 Descargas

civo 1.5.33

A command-line client and API access classes for

340.154 Descargas

bibliothecary 12.1.2

Find and parse manifests

307.950 Descargas

percy-cli 1.4.0

Percy command-line interface

303.897 Descargas

nixenvironment 0.0.161

Installs, updates and manages inner environment stuff to make build and deploy for NIX ...

300.223 Descargas

brief 1.17.14

Brief is a library for developing applications whose primary interface is the text editor

268.238 Descargas

hakiri 0.7.2

Hakiri is a CLI for—a cloud security platform for Ruby on Rails apps.

255.043 Descargas

coach 4.0.0

Alternative controllers built with middleware

249.197 Descargas

cupertino 1.4.0

A command-line interface for the iOS Provisioning Portal

241.513 Descargas

factor 0.6.12

CLI to manager workflows on

186.581 Descargas

abak-flow 1.1.1

Простой набор правил и комманд, заточеных для работы в git-flow с использование в качес...

185.754 Descargas

secrets_cli 1.12.3

This is a CLI for easier use of

185.042 Descargas

sord 7.0.0

Generate Sorbet RBI files from YARD documentation

174.455 Descargas

redmine-installer 3.0.4

Easy way how install/upgrade Redmine, EasyRedmine or EasyProject.

171.138 Descargas

Total de descargas 97.519.157

Para esta versión 528.022

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
