commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 commander
forget-passwords 0.3.1
This little module (and attendant command line tool and rackup app) exists for the purp...
3,054 下载
docker-tags 0.1.0
Track and report tags of followed Docker images.
3,040 下载
casento 1.0.0
The California Academy of Sciences has databased a great deal of their entomologica...
2,964 下载
barman 0.1.1
Barman creates the base of your project. It is used by to get a jump start...
2,958 下载
bn-venice 0.2.3
iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
2,925 下载
BlikstickSquare 0.1.0
Command line client for the Blikstick Square
2,883 下载
PlainSite 1.2.0
PlainSite is a simple but powerful static site generator inspired by Jekyll and Octopress.
2,776 下载
Ruby Gem for In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
2,757 下载
quickpod 0.0.3
Simplify the process of relese private pod with fastlane toolchains.
2,713 下载
fastlane-mercafacil 2.214.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
2,650 下载
configurious 0.3.0
A DSL for scripting changes to configuration files
2,639 下载
longbow-fdv 0.1.0
One codebase. Multiple App Store submission targets with different icons, launch images...
2,613 下载
initium 0.0.1
A gem showing a bullet proof initial setting for gem.
2,613 下载
analytics-ruby-rudder 0.0.1
The Rudder ruby analytics library
2,573 下载
zendesk_polly 0.0.1
Create Zendesk Talk greetings using AWS Polly text-to-speech engine
2,572 下载
publisherios 0.1.7
Antenna aims to take the pain out of creating and distributing all the necessary files ...
2,533 下载
oss_xcodesnippet 0.0.3
A command-line interface for installing Xcode Snippets.
2,471 下载
striker 0.0.8.pre
Simple & Fast Static Site Generator
2,403 下载
snapshotify 0.1.0
Backup tool for Hackference
2,296 下载
mnoe_cli 0.0.1
CLI toolbelt for the Maestrano Enterprise framework
2,239 下载
ulock 0.1.3
Teensy wrapper around gpg, mostly to make it easier to lock up my project euler files
2,210 下载
pmt 1.0.0
This gem prints a multiplication table of the first N prime numbers
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ablaevent-ruby 2.3.6
The Ablaevent ruby library
2,195 下载
cavendish 0.1.0
React Native + Expo project generator for Platanus
2,133 下载
housekeeper 0.1.0
Lets you delete or archive files and dirs
2,115 下载
venice-bnet 0.3.1.paperlesspost
iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
2,112 下载
get_set_go 0.0.1
A gem to make development faster and easier with templates
1,941 下载
resignios 0.1.3
iOS重签名工具,基于fastlane sigh命令做了些许修改
1,915 下载
db_mirror 0.0.1
A ruby gem for validating your data migrations
1,890 下载
resumer 0.1.1
Write your resume once in machine-readable YAML format and export it to HTML or PDF usi...
1,849 下载