RubyGems Navigation menu

commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 commander

lastfm-path-finder 1.0.3

Gem for finding paths between artists in

7,334 下载

beer_bash 0.1.0

See what tasty beverages are on tap at your favorite place, directly from your command ...

7,311 下载

torrentify-cli 0.3

A terminal client for searching through torrent-sites

7,305 下载


cluster-aware S3 based config getter/setter

7,304 下载

springpad 0.0.3

Command-line client for Springpad.

7,291 下载

cricos_scrape 2.2

Scrape Institutions, Courses, Contacts from CRICOS

7,267 下载

kryo 0.0.2

A quick and easy way to generate static sites

6,953 下载

zvv-cli 0.1.3

CLI for Swiss public transport network

6,953 下载

clone 1.0.0.beta2

File system based sample cloner. You can build new projects with it, or merge,reuse par...

6,950 下载

ccli 1.1.0

CCLI is the Cryptopus Command Line Interface. It allows to fetch encryptable data and l...

6,926 下载

habittracker 0.1.2

This is a monthly tracker for geeks.

6,873 下载

brandish 0.1.3

A markup language for compiling to different formats.

6,855 下载

appscreens 0.2.0

A command-line interface for querying the App Store and downloading app screenshots.

6,818 下载

strapper 0.0.2

Strapper is a tool to help you make sure your environment is ready to run your project....

6,722 下载


Sky Event Capture Server

6,610 下载

password_vault 0.0.2

CLI Password Vault

6,600 下载

capor 0.0.4

Capor is command line tool for parser iOS .ipa file, you cat the ipa package info like ...

6,598 下载

task-tree 0.1.3

Task Tree is a CLI tool that helps you keep track of your tasks in a tree structure

6,583 下载

mongo-jira 0.0.2

Easy/Simple Jira command line tool

6,554 下载

bundler-commentator 1.0.2

Comment your Gemfile with descriptions from

6,554 下载

decent 0.2.5

Decent is a command line application for managing cryptocurrency holdings.

6,541 下载

plotline 0.1.1

Markdown & Postres-based CMS engine for Rails.

6,535 下载

grass 0.0.2

Yet another ruby framework

6,533 下载

sanjose 0.0.3

Sanjose is a simple gem for sending Google Cloud Messages

6,505 下载

savvy 0.3.0

ENV-backed configuration helper for Redis, Sidekiq, etc

6,470 下载

nigel 1.0.1

Flood a directory with Nigel Thornberry GIFs.

6,467 下载

lilyplaying 0.0.2

Outputs the currently playing rdio song to a text file for use while streaming

6,429 下载

oo-cartridge-tools 0.2

Various utilities to help with OpenShift cartridge development

6,378 下载

breizhipsum 0.0.2

Génération de faux texte avec des expressions bretonnes.

6,362 下载

quickmug 0.0.5

Easy command line smugmug uploader

6,330 下载

下载总量 97,749,305

这个版本 536,289




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
