commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 commander
sweatshop_gears 1.0.5
Package management for Robot Sweatshop
12,267 下载
solr_makr 0.5.1
Create and manage solr collections programmatically
12,257 下载
elf_manifesto 1.1.1
Primarily used for creating SCORM manifests. Uses mustache templates and file info to c...
12,219 下载
slicecraft 0.1.4
A commandline tool specific for the SliceCraft project flow
12,213 下载
ttt-client 0.2.4
Cross Tweetbot off your list. TTT is your Twitter CLI
12,006 下载
theroku 0.1.5
Gem to stay free and 24/7 available using the heroku free tier. Request an account at h...
11,905 下载
ppbench 0.0.5
A tool to trigger ping pong benchmark to investigate HTTP REST performances.
11,889 下载
cssbt 0.1.2
Bootstrap and Foundation Css file generator
11,715 下载
zd_hire 0.1.0
Recruit using Gitub
11,678 下载
gridpaper 0.0.7
Gridpaper is a CSS framework built on top of SASS.
11,622 下载
kfold 0.4
Create K-fold splits from data files and assist in training and testing (useful for cro...
11,461 下载
cognizant 0.0.3
Cognizant is a process management framework inspired from God and Bluepill. It supervis...
11,350 下载
london-bike-hire-cli 1.3.3
Find information about London's Bike Hire stations from command line interface.
11,303 下载
potion 0.0.5
A static site generator that supports code, photos and files.
11,152 下载
tigefa 1.1.3
tigefa is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
11,129 下载
sbi-security 0.0.6
SBI Security client
11,015 下载
infinum_setup 1.0.1
This script will help you bootstrap your shiny new laptop
11,003 下载
fbcli 1.2.1
Command line interface to the Facebook graph API.
10,858 下载
matlock 0.1.2
Simple name extraction utility.
10,776 下载
bgotink-hyde 0.2.1
Hyde is a simple front-end for Jekyll, the simple, blog-aware static site generator.
10,766 下载
applyrics 0.0.4
Handle localization for all your mobile projects
10,681 下载
ruploy 0.0.4
If you want to manage several Rack apps using different versions of Ruby via RVM, Ruplo...
10,678 下载
whos_in 0.0.4
Sets up heroku deployment, config variables and the script that scans the local network...
10,669 下载
superluminal 0.8.18
Picking up where Ansible falls down.
10,638 下载
ludwig 0.1.0
Named after Ludwig van Beethoven, this project orchistrates multiple projects with dock...
10,563 下载
ognivo 0.0.4
Ognivo is CLI tool that automates creating OS X app builds and destributing updates wit...
10,490 下载
pwl 0.0.3
pwl is a secure password locker for the commandline
10,482 下载
edison 0.0.3
A static (website) generator.
10,459 下载
dropzone_ruby 0.1.3
Drop Zone is a solution to the problem of restricted sales in censored markets. The pro...
10,426 下载
molt 0.2.2
VIPER module generator for Swift projects.
10,327 下载