RubyGems Navigation menu

commander 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 commander

musako 0.0.5

A simple static site generator

14,184 下载

dotenv_to_ci 0.0.5

Set dotenv values in your CI provider

14,146 下载

backup_repos 0.5.0

Backup your GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab repositories to specified directory.

14,145 下载

awl_tags_twitter 1.0.2

Grab tags from The Awl posts and tweet them out. This isn't anything crazy

13,929 下载

myfdb_utilities 0.0.4

A collection of purpose built utilities for doing tasks specific to MyFDB

13,898 下载

winrm-cli 0.0.4

A WinRM Command Line Application

13,894 下载

firebase-stats 1.0.7

A CLI tool to get different stats out of the huge Firebase Analytics CSV

13,861 下载

vim-epidemic 0.0.4

Downloads vim plugins and installs them into the pathogen.vim bundle directory.

13,739 下载

paradeiser 0.5.0

Paradeiser is a command-line tool for the Pomodoro Technique. It keeps track of the cur...

13,667 下载

qcloud_cos 0.4.2

Ruby SDK For QCloud COS, Enjoy it!

13,629 下载

briefcase 0.4.2

Command line program to migrate dotfiles to a git repo at ~/.dotfiles and generate stat...

13,623 下载

adcdownload 0.1.2

This gem helps you download files from Apple Developer Center.

13,472 下载

jcov 1.1.1

Javascript Coverage Tool

13,374 下载

gi-cli 1.1.0

cli util to create seeded .gitignore files

13,369 下载

ec2manage 0.0.3

ec2manage is a command line tool for managing EC2 instances. It's main goal is to prov...

13,280 下载

hacker-gems 0.3

Hacker-gems installs most needed gems for hackers.

13,224 下载

pactrac 0.0.4

International package tracking for Ruby

13,151 下载

prezio 0.0.4

HTML5 presentation generator

12,938 下载

lomic 0.1.0

Lomic is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) intended to be used for Pomic, a programming ...

12,852 下载

gitload 1.0.3

Gitload provides a DSL to easily clone all your repositories from GitHub and other prov...

12,837 下载

wwdc 1.1.1

A command-line interface for accessing WWDC session content

12,785 下载

ios3 0.0.5

This utility is focused primarily on apps that have been archived using RubyMotion.

12,765 下载

tc4r 0.0.4

Teamcity Client for Ruby

12,752 下载

geoengineer 0.1.5

GeoEngineer provides a Ruby DSL and command line tool (geo) to codeify then plan an...

12,743 下载

commuter 0.0.6

Gives you google maps travel times between two addresses.

12,738 下载

runtime_profiler 0.4.4

Runtime Profiler for Rails Applications

12,629 下载

gemme 0.0.6

Quickly generate a Gemfile entry for a gem.

12,624 下载

stylish 0.3.1

Stylish is a theming toolkit based on semantic-ui

12,533 下载

handy_apn 0.1.4

Once the Apple push notification certificates are created, use the rake task to send pu...

12,306 下载

gamekey 0.0.4

Gamekey service.

12,272 下载

下载总量 97,736,253

这个版本 535,857




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
