combine_pdf 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 combine_pdf
dorsale 4.0.0
Run your own business.
310,241 下載
viral_seq 1.9.1
A Ruby Gem with bioinformatics tools for processing viral NGS data. ...
61,081 下載
latex_curriculum_vitae 2.1.6
latex_curriculum_vitae is a Rubygem which help you to write your job applications. The ...
40,645 下載
lydown 0.14.0
Lydown is a language and tool for music notation
38,655 下載
publican_creators 1.2.6
publican_creators are a small tool for daily DocBook writers who are using the Redhat p...
21,832 下載
lcms-engine 0.5.5
Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems
17,140 下載
documents_with_footer_to_pdf 0.1.6
Add a footer to each document and create a single .pdf file all in one command.
7,758 下載
cloudrunpdf 0.2.0
Generate PDF with Google Cloud Function.
5,180 下載
ebookie 0.3.1
Generate PDF, ePub, and Mobi eBooks
2,766 下載
gridify_pdf 0.1.1
Add gridlines to PDF documents
403 下載