Dependencias inversas para cmath La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren cmath
mathn 0.2.0
Deprecated library that extends math operations.
204.360 Descargas
keisan 0.9.2
A library for parsing equations into an abstract syntax tree for evaluation
200.327 Descargas
ruby-mext 0.21.6
ruby-mext: musical extensions for the Ruby language.
81.937 Descargas
NetAnalyzer 0.6.2
NetAnalyzer is a useful network analysis tool developed in Ruby that can 1) analyse any...
9.191 Descargas
mb-surround 0.0.0.usegit
Ruby code for encoding, decoding, and processing positional audio. This code accom...
1.571 Descargas
expcalc 0.1.1
To expand ruby math operations this gem call to others such as Numo:narray and others a...
1.527 Descargas