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cloud-maker 0.10.0

CloudMaker is a tool for launching and configuring EC2 instances. It works as an extension to the Ubuntu CloudInit system. It extends the configuration format with a composition system and options to describe how you want an instance to be launched. The goal of the project is to make building and launching instances simple and repeatable. It accomplishes this by leveraging existing toolchains rather than forcing people to learn a new and complicated system.




  1. 0.10.0 November 26, 2012 (14,5 KB)
  2. 0.9.0 October 09, 2012 (14 KB)
  3. 0.8.0 October 08, 2012 (14 KB)
  4. 0.7.0 October 03, 2012 (13,5 KB)
  5. 0.6.3 October 02, 2012 (13,5 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (21)

Runtime Dependencies (6):

aws-sdk ~> 1.6
colorize >= 0
deep_merge ~> 1.0
rest-client ~> 1.6
ruby-termios ~> 0.9
thor ~> 0.15

Development Dependencies (1):

pry >= 0



  • Nathan Baxter, Flo Leibert

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 69.836

Desta versão 4.541

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: Nenhum
