Dependencias inversas para clipboard La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren clipboard
cpf_faker 1.3.0
Generates brazilian CPF and CNPJ numbers for use in testing. Great to be used alongside...
2.923.508 Descargas
calabash-cucumber 0.23.7
calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...
2.386.080 Descargas
pagarme 2.4.0's ruby gem
1.881.675 Descargas
irbtools 4.1.0
The Irbtools make working with Ruby's IRB console more fun & productive.
494.867 Descargas
forward 1.1.7
Forward lets you get a link to localhost and share it with anyone over the web.
413.649 Descargas
avm-tools 0.162.0
Tools for AVM.
333.957 Descargas
ruco 0.4.0
Desktop-style, Intuitive, Commandline Editor in Ruby. 'Better than nano, simpler than v...
332.426 Descargas
sonic_pass 1.0.1
Generate strong passwords quickly and easily.
187.980 Descargas
kbsecret 1.8.2
Manages your passwords, environment, and more via KBFS.
180.716 Descargas
pry-clipboard 0.1.1
pry clipboard utility
178.169 Descargas
operawatir 0.5.1
OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...
127.386 Descargas
operawatir 0.5.1
OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...
127.386 Descargas
cloudapp 2.1.1
Experience all the pleasures of sharing with CloudApp now in your Ruby code and terminal.
124.496 Descargas
fidgit 0.2.6
Fidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu
78.187 Descargas
enfcli 5.0.4
Xaptum ENF CLI.
76.580 Descargas
pws 1.0.8
pws is a command-line password safe. Please run `pws --help` for usage information.
63.004 Descargas
calabash 1.2.1
Contains shared functionality and extentions to various Calabash sub-projects.
62.841 Descargas
glimmer-cs-gladiator 0.11.2
Gladiator (short for Glimmer Editor) is a Code Editor / IDE beta project under on-going...
61.433 Descargas
gemline 0.5.0
Grab the latest Gemfile dependency designation for a specific Ruby gem
59.177 Descargas
textbringer 1.4.1
Textbringer is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of an Emacs-like text ed...
58.422 Descargas
simplygenius-atmos 0.14.0
Atmos provides a terraform scaffold for creating cloud system architectures
51.749 Descargas
toolshed 1.0.12
Utility that will automate simple daily tasks developers perform like creating a Github...
51.102 Descargas
maths 0.0.14
Your friendly neighborhood console calculator
47.739 Descargas
leeloo 0.5.4
The easiest way to share securely your secrets
43.007 Descargas
keyrack 0.3.2
Simple password manager with local/remote database storage and scrypt encryption.
40.318 Descargas
markdown_exec 2.8.4
Interactively select and execute fenced code blocks in markdown files. Build complex sc...
37.987 Descargas
rise-cli 0.3.4
Simple serverless website deployment
37.547 Descargas
rcp 1.5.0
A Remote Copy gem
37.135 Descargas
urban_pass 0.2.5
A password generator that creates random passwords based on words in Urban Dictionary.
35.233 Descargas
gems-cli 0.1.11
Search from the command line. Then you can copy formatted gem details for ...
34.046 Descargas