chewy 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chewy
graphql-connections 1.4.0
GraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations
267,275 下載
chewy_kiqqer 0.2.6
Sidekiq integration for chewy and sidekiq
48,920 下載
capistrano-chewy 0.2.2
Manage and continuously rebuild your ElasticSearch indexes with Chewy and Capistrano v3.
12,218 下載
chewy-resque 0.1.0
Resque atomic & urgent strategies for Chewy gem
11,672 下載
gum 0.2.1
Gum provides simple DSL for searching in your Elasticsearch
9,018 下載
chewy_resque 0.1.0
Resque integration for chewy and resque
3,563 下載
shared_food 0.1.3
SharedFood: shared food models.
1,966 下載