Dépendances inversées pour cf Latest version of the following gems require cf
logs-cf-plugin 0.0.45.pre
CF command line tool to retrieve recent and tail CF Application Logs
50 232 Téléchargements
lds-cf-plugin 0.4.4
Cloud Foundry commands for LDS PaaS.
39 658 Téléchargements
tail-cf-plugin 0.0.22.pre
CF command line tool to tail CF Application Logs
34 448 Téléchargements
console-websocket-cf-plugin 0.0.4
CF command line extension to allow console access to an app container via a secure WebS...
13 143 Téléchargements
redis-cf-plugin 0.1.0
Create & bind dedicated Redis to Cloud Foundry apps using Bosh
3 790 Téléchargements