capistrano-runit-tasks 1.0.0.pre1
This library extends Capistrano to allow processes to be supervised using the runit package. It replaces some of the standard tasks with runit versions and includes tasks and helpers to create the service directory layout and populate it with run scripts. It has support fcgi, mongrel and merb listeners, and tries to make it easy to add other services in your deploy.rb.
- 1.0.0.pre3 May 25, 2011 (9.5 KB)
- 1.0.0.pre2 August 03, 2010 (9.5 KB)
- 1.0.0.pre1 July 14, 2010 (9.5 KB)
- 0.2.4 July 14, 2010 (10.0 KB)
- 0.2.3 July 14, 2010 (22.5 KB)