cancancan 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 cancancan
solidus_core 4.5.1
Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
3,190,623 下載
spree_core 4.10.1
Spree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries
2,514,110 下載
active_admin_role 0.2.2
Role based authorization with CanCanCan for Active Admin
1,171,088 下載
draper-cancancan 1.1.1
Resolves a breaking change in CanCanCan version 1.13.0 and above when using it with Dra...
1,160,914 下載
alchemy_cms 7.4.1
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
869,510 下載
hydra-access-controls 13.0.0
Access controls for project hydra
676,897 下載
grape-cancan 0.1.0
Authorize your Grape API with CanCan
667,935 下載
Description of IshManager.
559,727 下載
motor-admin 0.4.36
Motor Admin allows to create a flexible admin panel with writing less code. All customi...
455,418 下載
bullet_train 1.19.0
Bullet Train
450,163 下載
cancancan-mongoid 2.0.0
Implements CanCanCan's rule-based record fetching using Mongoid.
405,052 下載
canard 0.4.3
Wraps CanCan and RoleModel up to make role based authorisation really easy in Rails 3.x.
395,967 下載
bullet_train-roles 1.19.0
Yaml-backed ApplicationHash for CanCan Roles
364,303 下載
bullet_train-super_load_and_authorize_resource 1.19.0
Bullet Train Super Load And Authorize Resource
352,187 下載
hydra-editor 7.0.0
A basic metadata editor for hydra-head
351,346 下載
ddr-models 3.0.8
Models used in the Duke Digital Repository
349,410 下載
camaleon_cms 2.9.0
Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...
347,102 下載
blacklight-spotlight 4.7.1
Enable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to ...
333,484 下載
blacklight-access_controls 6.0.1
Access controls for blacklight-based applications
291,045 下載
consent 2.1.0
Consent permission based authorization
269,086 下載
adminpanel 3.6.1
Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...
237,667 下載
pulitzer 0.15.31
A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!
224,409 下載
pageflow 17.0.4
Multimedia story telling for the web.
209,114 下載
paid_up 0.13.22
Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...
190,303 下載
templus_models 3.0.21
Easy CRUD generator for Rails Projects
184,628 下載
failuregem 1.4
A simple Gem that includes everything you need to start right away with Rails programmi...
179,126 下載
zadok 0.10.8
A data management gem.
175,593 下載
iqvoc 4.14.5
iQvoc - a SKOS(-XL) vocabulary management system built on the Semantic Web
173,347 下載
ab_admin 0.11.0
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
165,990 下載
educode_sales 1.10.74
Description of EducodeSales.
165,054 下載