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bosh_cli 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bosh_cli

bosh_cli_plugin_micro 1.3262.24.0

BOSH CLI plugin for Micro BOSH deployment

988,729 下載

bosh_cli_plugin_aws 1.3262.24.0

BOSH plugin to easily create and delete an AWS VPC

928,003 下載

prof 0.44.0

A gem to test Cloud Foundry service brokers

130,742 下載

bosh-workspace 0.9.14

Manage your bosh workspace

85,084 下載

bosh-cloudfoundry 0.7.6

Create & manage Cloud Foundry deployments

84,114 下載

bosh_deployer 1.4.1

Micro BOSH Deployer

57,352 下載

opsmgr-cgfrost 0.35.18

Shared tooling for teams maintaining Ops Manager tiles

25,216 下載

bosh_cli_plugin_redis 0.2.3

Create dedicated Redis servers using Bosh

14,946 下載

tmuxinator-bosh-console 0.3.0

Generates the tmuxinator configuration for all VMs of a BOSH deployment. Each instance ...

13,094 下載

bosh_lastpass_plugin 0.0.4

Short description.

11,522 下載

bosh-verifyconnections 1.0.3

Performs job interconnection verifications upon the target BOSH deployment manifest file.

10,747 下載

bosh-versions 0.1.1

Allows to see versions of BOSH releases and bosh-core gem.

6,093 下載

bosh-share 0.1.0

BOSH CLI Plugin to share workspaces and your positive experience.

6,049 下載

bosh-plugin-pipeline 0.2.1

BOSH CLI plug-in to create and manage BOSH CLI plug-ins.

6,015 下載

bosh-verify-manifest 0.1.0

Validate BOSH deployment manifests.

4,615 下載

bosh_lite_helpers 0.1.0

Basic wrapper around bosh-lite

3,996 下載

bosh-plugin-generator 0.0.1

Create file system tree structure for BOSH plugin development.

3,888 下載

bosh_cli_plugin_consul 0.1.0

BOSH CLI plugin for access, visibility and status of deployments using Consul

3,796 下載

redis-cf-plugin 0.1.0

Create & bind dedicated Redis to Cloud Foundry apps using Bosh

3,786 下載

bosh-openssl 0.0.1

Short description.

3,106 下載

總下載次數 1,913,958

這個版本 275,204



Apache 2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.3
