bootstrap-sass 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bootstrap-sass
patternfly-sass 3.59.5
Red Hat's Patternfly, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails
1,117,466 下載
awestruct 0.6.7
Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of...
798,115 下載
Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It in...
759,822 下載
turnip_formatter 0.8.0
RSpec custom formatter for Turnip
614,291 下載
contour 3.0.1
Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication
434,442 下載
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
426,344 下載
smart_listing 1.2.3
Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.
394,575 下載
user_mgmt 2.1.5
Includes functionality for site-specific registration and third-party authentication st...
324,835 下載
bootstrap-navbar 3.2.2
Helpers to generate a Bootstrap style navbar
301,842 下載
kuhsaft 2.6.3
Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.
296,908 下載
govuk_admin_template 7.0.0
Styles, scripts and templates for GOV.UK admin applications
268,551 下載
magic_stylez 0.1.1
Lots of styles and helpers we used for several projects.
265,141 下載
Add themes to the Rails asset pipeline
253,238 下載
maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6
Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...
241,833 下載
browsercms 3.5.7
BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) that s...
228,075 下載
brightcontent-core 2.6.0
Brightcontent core
191,842 下載
paid_up 0.13.22
Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...
190,700 下載
bootstrap-material-design 0.2.2
Material Design for Bootstrap
173,625 下載
eac_rails_base0 0.69.0
A Rails base for multiple Rails projects developed by Esquilo Azul Company.
172,290 下載
tkh_content 0.10.10
A Rails engine running pages and blog posts in a CMS.
172,036 下載
bootstrap-bookingsync-sass 3.0.0
Twitter's Bootstrap with BookingSync Theme, ready to drop into Rails
162,078 下載
compass_radix 3.2.0
A compass extension for the Drupal Radix theme. See
162,075 下載
conte_rails_template 0.1.11
Rails Theme Template for Conte
156,477 下載
think_feel_do_engine 3.22.9
Description of ThinkFeelDoEngine.
153,913 下載
bootstrap_leather 0.10.14
BootstrapLeather is a collection of view helpers and scaffold generators that makes it ...
148,163 下載
tkh_admin_panel 0.10
Admin panel layout engine
147,045 下載
umlaut 4.1.7
For Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input
146,781 下載
leather 3.5.2
Bootstrap tools - UI Kit, Devise Views, and Component Partials
145,577 下載
message_train 0.7.6
Rails 4 & 5 Engine providing private and public messaging for any object, such as U...
142,211 下載
adherent 0.3.13
Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents
140,889 下載