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binda 0.1.7

A modular CMS for Ruby on Rails 5 with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface to manage and customize components. Use Binda if you want to speed up your setup process and concentrate directly on what your application is about. Please read the documentation for more information and a quick start guide.




  1. 0.1.11 November 22, 2018 (1,29 Mo)
  2. 0.1.10 September 17, 2018 (1,29 Mo)
  3. 0.1.9 May 18, 2018 (1,29 Mo)
  4. 0.1.8 March 26, 2018 (1,29 Mo)
  5. 0.1.7 March 06, 2018 (1,29 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (26)

Dépendances de Runtime (16):

aasm < 4.13, >= 4.11
ancestry < 3.1, >= 2.1
bourbon = 4.3.4
carrierwave < 1.3, >= 0.10
devise < 4.5, >= 4.1
devise-i18n ~> 1.4
friendly_id < 5.4, >= 5.1
jquery-rails ~> 4.3
jquery-ui-rails < 6.1, >= 5.0
kaminari ~> 1.0
mini_magick < 4.9, >= 4.5
rails < 5.2, >= 5.0
sass-rails ~> 5.0
simple_form < 3.6, >= 3.3
tinymce-rails <= 4.8, >= 4.1
tinymce-rails-langs ~> 4.20160310

Dépendances de Development (18):

autoprefixer-rails < 8, ~> 7.1
bullet < 6, >= 5.6
capybara < 3, >= 2.14
database_cleaner < 2, >= 1.6
generator_spec ~> 0.9.4
github-markup < 2.1, >= 1.6
listen ~> 3.1
mry ~> 0.52
pg < 1.0, >= 0.21
pry-rails ~> 0.3.5
redcarpet ~> 3.4
rspec-rails < 3.8, >= 3.5
rubocop ~> 0.52.1
selenium-webdriver < 4, ~> 3.5
travis ~> 1.8
yard < 1.0, > 0.9.11
yard-activesupport-concern < 0.1, ~> 0.0.1



  • Alessandro Barbieri

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 36 670

Pour cette version 2 016

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3.1
