bibtex-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 bibtex-ruby
gollum-lib 6.0
A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
2,698,958 下載
gollum-lib 6.0
A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
2,698,958 下載
jekyll-scholar 7.1.3
Jekyll-Scholar is for all the academic bloggers out there. It is a set of extensions fo...
1,367,366 下載
bolognese 2.3.2
Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
733,640 下載
relaton-bib 1.20.6
RelatonBib: Ruby XMLDOC impementation.
545,274 下載
anystyle-parser 0.8.2
A sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
176,485 下載
limarka 19.7.3
Com essa ferramenta você poderá escrever sua monografia, dissertação ou tese utilizando...
167,082 下載
asciidoctor-bibtex 0.9.0
asciidoctor-bibtex is an Asciidocotor extension that adds bibtex support for AsciiDoc d...
129,443 下載
ebsco-eds 1.1.5
Description: EBSCO EDS API
119,573 下載
anystyle 1.5.0
A sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
114,620 下載
intent 0.8.1
Text-based project management
58,858 下載
asciidoctor-bibliography 0.11.0
asciidoctor-bibliography lets you handle citations and bibliography the "asciidoctor-wa...
56,789 下載
scholarmarkdown 3.3.1
A framework for writing markdown-based scholarly articles.
34,879 下載
commonmeta-ruby 3.13
Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of scholarly metadata from and to diff...
31,931 下載
briard 2.9.4
Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
27,978 下載
asciidoc-bib 2.4.5
asciidoc-bib generates in-text references and a reference list from an asciidoc file, u...
27,333 下載
quickcite 1.0.8
Simplify your (academic) life. Instead of manually hunting down references, let QuickC...
27,117 下載
sciruby-full 0.2.11
Scientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints.
26,293 下載
gscholar 0.1.7
A library for fetching author, paper and citation information for Google Scholar
23,075 下載
texzip 0.1.10
What this thing does
22,648 下載
middleman-bibtex 0.3.1
A middleman extension for BibTeX bibliographies, a fork of the m...
16,997 下載
nanoc-bibtex 1.0.1
BibTeX data source for nanoc.
16,422 下載
bibkeys 0.0.3
A Ruby utility to list all the citation keys in a BibTeX file
12,141 下載
middleman-citation 0.4.2
A middleman extension that gives helpers for creating citations ...
11,694 下載
roboneuro 0.1.14
A collection of command-line utilities to manage NeuroLibre submissions.
11,227 下載
biburi 0.1.1
Find the BibTeX information when your citation has an identifier
11,084 下載
blacklight-citeproc 0.2.0
Swap in really accurate citations using a wide variety of citation styles to your Black...
10,785 下載
extcite 0.4.0
Gets DOIS and generates citations for your papers
9,926 下載
cites 0.1.1
Search for articles, and get citations from DOIs
9,898 下載
skala 1.1.0
Ruby on Rails based full-stack framework to build discovery solutions for libraries.
9,775 下載