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backupii 0.1.0.pre.alpha.2

BackupII is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily perform backup operations on both your remote and local environments. It provides you with an elegant DSL in Ruby for modeling your backups. BackupII has built-in support for various databases, storage protocols/services, syncers, compressors, encryptors and notifiers which you can mix and match. It was built with modularity, extensibility and simplicity in mind.




  1. 0.1.0.pre.alpha.2 October 16, 2019 (82 KB)
  2. 0.1.0.pre.alpha.1 October 16, 2019 (82 KB)

Runtime Dependencies (18):

aws-sdk ~> 2
dogapi = 1.11.0
dropbox-sdk = 1.6.5
excon ~> 0.44
flowdock = 0.4.0
fog ~> 1.28
hipchat = 1.0.1
mail ~> 2.6, >= 2.6.6
net-scp = 1.2.1
net-sftp = 2.1.2
net-ssh = 4.2.0
nokogiri ~> 1.8, >= 1.8.1
open4 = 1.3.0
pagerduty = 2.0.0
qiniu ~> 6.5
thor ~> 0.18, >= 0.18.1
twitter ~> 5.16.0
unf = 0.1.3

Development Dependencies (4):

rake ~> 13.0.0
rspec = 3.8.0
rubocop = 0.75.1
timecop = 0.9.1


Pushed by:


  • Michael van Rooijen

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 3,653

For this version 1,879

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.0

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
