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Dependencias inversas para aws-sdk-ecs La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aws-sdk-ecs

aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

343.012.799 Descargas

train-aws 0.2.41

Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...

2.601.687 Descargas

ufo 6.3.13

AWS ECS Deploy Tool

347.424 Descargas

elastic_whenever 1.0.1

Manage ECS Scheduled Tasks like Whenever

344.231 Descargas

hako 2.17.0

Deploy Docker container

311.908 Descargas

barbeque 2.9.0

Job queue system to run job with Docker

109.527 Descargas

cloudformation-tool 1.5.19

A pre-compiler tool for CloudFormation YAML templates

107.078 Descargas

broadside 3.3.2

A command-line tool for EC2 Container Service deployment.

75.283 Descargas

cfn_manage 0.8.3

Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack

74.768 Descargas

stax 0.1.16

Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.

73.604 Descargas

wrapbox 0.10.0

Ruby method runner on AWS ECS

61.207 Descargas

simplygenius-atmos 0.14.0

Atmos provides a terraform scaffold for creating cloud system architectures

51.648 Descargas

ecs_helper 0.0.37

A simple gem which make CI CD process easier for AWS ECS service

50.807 Descargas

shipitron 1.4.1

A deployment tool for use with Docker and ECS.

37.780 Descargas

sonic-screwdriver 2.2.7

Multi-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure

36.288 Descargas

ecs_deploy 1.0.7

AWS ECS deploy helper

34.150 Descargas

deployme 0.2.4

Simple tool to deploy current directory to anywhere

28.441 Descargas

mikoshi 0.7.0

Mikoshi is a tool that deploy to ECS and manage task definition and cluster.

27.960 Descargas

rollo 0.8.0

Strategies for rolling ECS container instance clusters.

25.752 Descargas

knuckle_cluster 2.3.4

Interrogation of AWS ECS clusters, with the ability to directly connect to hosts and co...

25.199 Descargas

herdst_worker 0.2.11

Run background work triggered by aws sqs on AWS ECS

24.177 Descargas

infopark-aws_utils 1.0.1

A utility lib to ease the use of the AWS SDK

22.694 Descargas

full360-sequencer 0.3.1

Automation for simple batch jobs run in AWS

22.582 Descargas

container_ship 0.1.6

container_ship is a simple ECS deployment tool. You only need to prepare Dockerfile and...

19.845 Descargas

vaws 0.8.3

The vaws command simplifies the display of AWS resources.

19.219 Descargas

ecs_cmd 0.2.0


18.319 Descargas

ecs_deploy_cli 0.5.1

Declare your cluster structure in a ECSFile and use the CLI to run deploys and monitor ...

15.599 Descargas

lita-aws-ecs 1.0.1

Lita handler to manage ecs

11.863 Descargas

awshark 1.6.0

Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation

9.547 Descargas

ecs-solo 0.1.4

Deploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance

9.450 Descargas

Total de descargas 93.617.789

Para esta versión 24.128

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5
