Dependencias inversas para aws-sdk-codepipeline La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren aws-sdk-codepipeline
aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0
The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
342.971.023 Descargas
train-aws 0.2.41
Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...
2.601.112 Descargas
firespring_dev_commands 3.1.6
Ruby library for creating/maintaining your development environment
286.186 Descargas
stax 0.1.16
Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
73.553 Descargas
cfn-guardian 0.11.11
Manages AWS cloudwatch alarms with default templates using cloudformation
61.802 Descargas
pipedream 0.4.8
A beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines
38.153 Descargas
codepipeline 0.3.4
CodePipeline DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodePipeline Pipeline
17.515 Descargas