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aws-sdk-cloudformation 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-cloudformation

aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

342,910,174 下载

train-aws 0.2.41

Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...

2,600,275 下载

prima-twig 1.4.0

Our tools to manage git and github

1,653,520 下载

autostacker24 2.9.0

AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...

1,420,260 下载

eb_deployer 0.7.0

For automating Blue-Green deployment flows on Elastic Beanstalk.

942,863 下载

jets 6.0.5

Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...

728,185 下载

cfn-status 0.6.1

CloudFormation status library

693,339 下载

stack_master 2.16.0

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

488,482 下载

awful 0.0.185

AWS cmdline and yaml loader.

463,022 下载

ufo 6.3.13

AWS ECS Deploy Tool

347,241 下载

stackup 1.9.0

Manage CloudFormation stacks

344,664 下载

humidifier 4.2.0

Programmatically generate and manage AWS CloudFormation templates, stacks, and change s...

329,857 下载

lono 7.5.2

The CloudFormation Framework

319,165 下载

firespring_dev_commands 3.1.6

Ruby library for creating/maintaining your development environment

285,982 下载

cfhighlander 0.13.7

DSL on top of cfndsl. Manage libraries of cloudformation components

227,054 下载

moonshot 3.0.4

A library and CLI tool for launching services into AWS.

196,488 下载

minimal_pipeline 0.3.4

Helper gem to orchestrate pipeline tasks

110,354 下载

cloudformation-tool 1.5.19

A pre-compiler tool for CloudFormation YAML templates

106,936 下载

ruby_aem_aws 3.0.0

ruby_aem_aws is a Ruby client for Shine Solutions Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Platfo...

97,952 下载

ciinabox-ecs 0.4.2

Manage ciinabox on Aws Ecs

82,314 下载

cody 1.2.1

Cody provides a beautiful DSL to create and manage AWS CodeBuild projects

79,201 下载

cfn_manage 0.8.3

Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack

74,649 下载

stax 0.1.16

Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.

73,552 下载

cfncli 1.0.3

Creates a Cloudformation stack synchronously

66,913 下载

cfn-guardian 0.11.11

Manages AWS cloudwatch alarms with default templates using cloudformation

61,685 下载

cfer 1.0.0

Toolkit for automating infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation

55,650 下载

eks_cli 0.4.9

A utility to manage and create EKS (Kubernetes) cluster on Amazon Web Services

47,062 下载

cloudformation_wrapper 0.4.0

Deploys and Manages AWS CloudFormation.

42,347 下载

swa 0.8.6

AWS, backwards

41,673 下载

pipedream 0.4.8

A beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines

38,131 下载

下载总量 135,838,817

这个版本 66,138




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
