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autoprefixer-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 autoprefixer-rails

bootstrap-sass 3.4.1

bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your ...

66,750,260 下载

bootstrap 5.3.3

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile ...

21,213,073 下载

middleman-autoprefixer 3.0.0

Automatically vendor-prefix stylesheets served by Middleman.

2,770,421 下载

jekyll-assets 3.0.12

A drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript, CSS, SASS, SCSS...

2,536,459 下载


A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. https://materializecs...

2,067,229 下载


Semantic UI, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails, Compass, or Sprockets.

1,546,935 下载


Rails gem to create custom error pages. Captures exceptions using "exception_app" callb...

1,129,866 下载

contour 3.0.1

Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication

433,664 下载

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

306,789 下载


an engine to abstract common html/css elements across Heroku properties

291,292 下载

kickstart_rails 3.1.2

The front-end library for clean HTML and fast websites.

274,371 下载

nfg_ui 7.0.0

The embodied design system for Network for Good.

266,523 下载

magic_stylez 0.1.1

Lots of styles and helpers we used for several projects.

264,738 下载


Google's Material Design Lite with Material Icons and Roboto for Sass powered applications

261,666 下载

beyond-rails 1.0.18

beyond is a collection of frontend components which aims for admin website.

258,938 下载

govuk_tech_docs 4.2.0

Gem to distribute the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template. See

248,333 下载

thredded 1.1.0

The best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

246,924 下载

maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...

241,404 下载

jekyll-autoprefixer 1.0.2

Autoprefixer integration for Jekyll

226,855 下载

octopress-autoprefixer 2.0.1

Autoprefixer for Jekyll based sites

207,337 下载

cyborg 0.7.1

This is a tool for creating powerufl style guides using rails engines and awesomeness.

166,514 下载

shipit-engine 0.39.0

Application deployment software

163,783 下载

redde 0.4.4

Admin scaffold generator for redde projects

159,481 下载

blogit 1.1.2

Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine

158,012 下载

mui-sass 0.9.35

MUI is a lightweight framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines

145,046 下载

adherent 0.3.13

Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents

140,667 下载

twbs_sass_rails 10.2.0

Provides assets for Bootstrap and FontAwesome in your Rails application.

140,195 下载

attractor 2.6.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

122,265 下载

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

120,729 下载

droidcss 2.1.4

Small responsive framework

108,771 下载

下载总量 135,893,575

这个版本 2,152,527




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4
