RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour autoprefixer-rails Latest version of the following gems require autoprefixer-rails

mekari_lvsg 0.1.2

Mekari living style guide.

4 478 Téléchargements

stlr 2.0.0

stlr is a couple of mixins for sass

4 380 Téléchargements

nanoc-filters-autoprefixer 1.0.1

A nanoc filter that processes CSS with Autoprefixer.

4 067 Téléchargements

samurai_core 1.0.0

Core features of SamuraiCRM.

3 258 Téléchargements


A fork of bootstrap-rubygem: which is...

3 198 Téléchargements

brilliant_cms 0.0.1

Description of BrilliantCms.

3 188 Téléchargements

style-sass 1.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3 064 Téléchargements

bootstrap4_rails_components 0.1.0

Implementation of view helper methods that utilize robust options and traits to generat...

2 940 Téléchargements

shoestrap-rails 0.0.1

Shoestrap is a small subset of Bootstrap 3 with only core grid system, typography and l...

2 906 Téléchargements

jekyll-assets-autoprefixer 1.0.0.pre.alpha3

Hooks autoprefixer into jekyll-assets

2 796 Téléchargements

mazer-rails 0.2.0

Integrate the Mazer admin theme in a Ruby on Rails application.

2 731 Téléchargements

anchor_ui 0.1.0

UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.

2 457 Téléchargements


UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.

2 380 Téléchargements

sams-locomotivecms 4.0.4

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

2 154 Téléchargements

threddedDANIEL 0.14.5

The best Rails 4.2+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

2 110 Téléchargements

FrontVitat 0.1.2

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile ...

1 366 Téléchargements

utility_styles 0.1.0

All the css styles you need as individual classes ready to use to modify your large cla...

873 Téléchargements

jekyll-autoprefixer-v2 2.0.0

This plugin provides simple autoprefixer support for Jekyll.

392 Téléchargements

entreprise7pro-bootstrap-sass 3.4.7

entreprise7pro-bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop r...

356 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 136 004 987

Pour cette version 2 188 457

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4
