Dépendances inversées pour autoprefixer-rails Latest version of the following gems require autoprefixer-rails
odania_core 0.0.8
The Odania Portal is an open source portal system with strong focus on the usage on dif...
21 346 Téléchargements
don-pages 0.0.10
For standardised CI build.
20 628 Téléchargements
Cardinal is a modular, “mobile-first” CSS framework built with performance and scalabil...
19 013 Téléchargements
solidus_backend_devise_token_auth 2.8.0.alpha.14
Admin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework (devise_token_auth version)
18 967 Téléchargements
scss_ninja 0.2.4
Work still in progress
18 837 Téléchargements
authz 0.0.5
An opinionated almost-turnkey solution for managing authorization in Rails
18 416 Téléchargements
lcms-engine 0.5.5
Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems
17 156 Téléchargements
jekyll-theme-artisan 0.2.1
Jekyll theme for programmer blogs.
17 041 Téléchargements
dev-portfolio-blog 0.1.9
This is a simple efficient blog and portfolio
15 162 Téléchargements
chroma-js 1.0.7
This Gem is made to support the use of Chroma.js library with Rails Assets
14 957 Téléchargements
QMUI_Sass 1.2.3
Sass helper of QMUI Web, dealing with layout, appearance, device adaptation, math calcu...
14 911 Téléchargements
uix_validations 0.5.1
This gem provides real time validations for forms. All validations follow the best prin...
14 075 Téléchargements
Stylesheets from hackathon-starter-app. Simple bootstrap menu builder is included.
11 588 Téléchargements
dq_admin 0.4.3
Admin project
10 951 Téléchargements
semantic-administrate 0.10.1
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...
9 654 Téléchargements
reustyle 2.0.11
uSwitch style guide
9 625 Téléchargements
viniBaxterDesk 22.0.0
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...
9 437 Téléchargements
tabler_ui_rails 0.3.1
A Ruby gem of Tabler UI for Rails.
9 272 Téléchargements
golden-theme 0.0.3
Provide theme helpers for Rails.
8 713 Téléchargements
lato_view 1.1.5
Lato module for view elements
8 432 Téléchargements
Backport to Rails 3 Twitter's Bootstrap, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails...
8 355 Téléchargements
applepie-rails 0.1.1
ApplePie Semantic and modular CSS Framework. Better way to build web interfaces.
7 927 Téléchargements
stencil-ruby 0.0.3
Compilers to help you get started building a new web site, web application or HTML emai...
7 275 Téléchargements
jumbo-jekyll-theme-test 1.0.4
The jumbo-jekyll-theme aims to provide an fast static theme for use across Linaro sites...
7 014 Téléchargements
plotline 0.1.1
Markdown & Postres-based CMS engine for Rails.
6 533 Téléchargements
codelation_ui 1.0.57
Base assets for rails asset pipeline
6 530 Téléchargements
html_mockup-autoprefixer 0.1.0
Rack middleware and processor for using autoprefixer in HtmlMockup.
6 435 Téléchargements
loremGem 0.2.2
Unify the web.
6 329 Téléchargements
blogit-admin 0.0.1
Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine
5 478 Téléchargements
nex-bootstrap 4.6.3
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile ...
5 296 Téléchargements