app-routes 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 app-routes
testdata 1.1.13
A test framework which accepts test data in a Polyrex format.
171,768 下载
chronic_between 0.5.0
156,571 下载
chronic_cron 0.7.1
Converts a human-readable time (e.g. 10:15 daily) into a cron format (e,g, 15 10 * * *)
155,469 下载
rack-rscript 1.4.1
Rack-Rscript is a light-weight alternative to Sinatra-Rscript.
119,311 下载
event_nlp 0.8.1
Parses a calendar event for date, time, and description e.g. hall 2 friday at 11am #=> ...
65,606 下载
xmpp-agent 0.3.3
Uses the Xrc gem to build a simple XMPP client.
44,478 下载
timetoday 0.2.0
Returns a random time today, or within a few days (e.g. "4 days"), or between a few day...
23,354 下载
rscript-server 0.1.6
19,444 下载
rack_dwsregistry 0.4.0
Provides dws-registry gem functionality from behind a Rack webserver.
18,087 下载
projectsimulator 0.4.0
Project Simulator (in development) aims to make it easier to observe triggers and actio...
14,761 下载
rbparser 0.1.2
Experimental gem to parse Ruby code
7,344 下载
macrohub 0.1.0
Experimental gem to create macros with the aim to simulate home automation.
1,876 下载