Dependencias inversas para apimatic_core La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren apimatic_core
1.333.495 Descargas
maxio-advanced-billing-sdk 6.1.0
Ultimate billing and pricing flexibility for B2B SaaS. Maxio integrates directly into y...
67.003 Descargas
my-unique-ruby-package-name 100.0.100
ruby package for demo purposes
31.591 Descargas
subtain-apimatic-sdk 11.1.11
This is a test package publishing, Please ignore
6.309 Descargas
hammett-washington-sdk 1.7.0
Vel corrupti volupt
5.506 Descargas
repo-test-sdk 2.3.363
this porfile is made to test New repositories
4.049 Descargas
apimatic1package 6.3.9
This is testing text
2.874 Descargas
n-profile-sdk 8.1.9
this is testing
2.407 Descargas
tester-package-sdk 7.5.1
this is testing please ignore
2.350 Descargas
apimatic-c-package-sdk 4.4.4
this is Test Api description please ignore.this for testing purpose so please ignore it...
2.048 Descargas
sync-pack-sdk 7.7.7
this is a testing description
2.040 Descargas
sdksio-verizon-apis-sdk 1.7.0
Use the Verizon API for connectivity management, device diagnostics, device location, e...
1.999 Descargas
apimatic-package-sdk 8.8.8
its test api
1.968 Descargas
test-words-api-client-sdk 5.0.1
Words API lets you retrieve information about English words, including definitions, syn...
1.872 Descargas
petstore-test-210523-sdk 1.0.12
This is a sample Petstore API. You can find out more about Swagger at
1.793 Descargas
swagger-petstore-3-sdk 1.0.4
This is a sample Pet Store Server based on the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
1.644 Descargas
card-management-sdk 1.4.0
The Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey auth...
1.567 Descargas
paypal-server-sdk 0.6.1
PayPal's SDK for interacting with the REST APIs
1.520 Descargas
uniqueCalculator 1.2.7
1.492 Descargas
bracket-sdk 5.5.7
i am writing bracket demo
1.450 Descargas
ew-sdk 4.5.5
1.440 Descargas
my-ruby-package-6-2 99.0.44
1.366 Descargas
ev-recharge-sdk 1.4.0
This API Product provides the option to manage charging at all public Shell Recharge lo...
1.360 Descargas
data-and-reporting-sdk 1.3.0
Data And Reporting product consists of API's which provides details of transaction and ...
1.221 Descargas
apimaticpackage 9.9.9
This is testing text
1.101 Descargas
asadali-14-json-generator 0.2.0
This SDK will help getting to the actual json values
1.059 Descargas
calculator-test-3200-sdk 0.6.0
Awesome calculator project
1.035 Descargas
date-time-beta-package-sdk 1.0.1
It does nothing
1.003 Descargas
petstroepack 1.1.0
948 Descargas
testingToday1047 5.4.5
927 Descargas