Dependencias inversas para anima La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren anima
morpher 0.4.2
Domain Transformation Algebra
698.194 Descargas
yaks 0.13.0
Serialize to hypermedia. HAL, JSON-API, etc.
156.853 Descargas
cognito-client 0.5.4
Unofficial Ruby client for the BlockScore Cognito API
103.962 Descargas
devtools 0.1.26
A metagem wrapping development tools
103.571 Descargas
attribs 1.2.0
Easy and flexible Ruby value objects.
75.935 Descargas
vanguard 0.0.5
Library for validating Ruby objects with rich metadata support.
55.176 Descargas
rails_sso 0.7.5
Single Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails.
53.377 Descargas
yamload 0.9.0
YAML files loader with validation
52.177 Descargas
mutest 0.0.10
Mutation testing for ruby
38.247 Descargas
mbj-assets 0.0.11
Playground for a small assets system
29.606 Descargas
pansophy_authenticator 0.5.0
By configuring a set of applications authentication keys in a filestored in an S3 bucke...
18.393 Descargas
yardcheck 0.0.3
Verify that your YARD @param and @return types are correct
9.733 Descargas
ducktrap 0.0.2
Invertible data filter/mutator on data structures
8.429 Descargas
internet_scrabble_club 0.2.0
Interact with the Internet Scrabble Club server.
8.392 Descargas
central-devtools 0.8.4
Shared development tasks for project Central Machine
5.908 Descargas
tenants_helper 0.3.0
TenantsHelper provides a centralised way of defining, querying andvalidating tenants.
5.453 Descargas
timetrack 0.2.0
Track your time in a file
4.373 Descargas
oregano 0.1.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
4.309 Descargas
gender_machine 0.0.1
Make sweeping, broad stroked predictions about gender based on name.
3.745 Descargas
openai.rb 0.0.7
OpenAI Ruby Wrapper
3.436 Descargas
monkey_catch 0.0.1
Catch monkey patching
3.174 Descargas