Dependencias inversas para akami La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren akami
savon 2.15.1
Heavy metal SOAP client
80.488.484 Descargas
google-ads-savon 2.0.0
Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community
10.178.773 Descargas
ruby_onvif_client 0.1.5
38.590 Descargas
cobro_digital 1.7.2
Adaptador para el Web Service de CobroDigital
27.516 Descargas
directories_interface 0.0.7
Searches for a person over ETV SOAP service and returns an array of phone and fax numbe...
25.828 Descargas
advisors_command_client 2.2.0
Ruby Client for integrating with Advisors Command CRM
24.036 Descargas
snoopy_afip 4.2.1
Adaptador para Web Service de Facturación Electrónica Argentina (AFIP)
22.912 Descargas
savon-ng-1.6 2.4.1
This a fork from Daniel Harrington's savon with nokogiri updated to 1.6
20.406 Descargas
ipiranga 0.0.6
A simple Ipiranga Web Services Client
17.890 Descargas
speedway 0.0.5
eWay RapidAPI Integration
15.593 Descargas
isbm_adaptor 1.0.1
ISBM Adaptor provides a Ruby API for the OpenO&M ws-ISBM specification
12.773 Descargas
Ruby's heavy metal SOAP client
9.879 Descargas
savon-SU 2.11.1
modified for sketchup
5.262 Descargas
regenersis-savon 1.0.0
Ruby's heavy metal SOAP client
4.510 Descargas
snowflake 0.0.1
A super simple library to intract with a configuration database
3.969 Descargas
savon_with_adapter 2.4.1
Heavy metal SOAP client that can accept adapter option
3.565 Descargas
cccode 0.1.0
Fetches and persists country and currency codes via SOAP
2.905 Descargas