active_interaction 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 active_interaction
active_interaction-extras 1.1.0
Extensions for active_interaction gem
166,409 下載
egov_utils 1.4.5
We hope it will help create better systems for all the eGoverment. In Czech Republic an...
163,354 下載
roqua-support 0.4.7
Logging backend, freedom patches,
153,039 下載
roqua-core-api 0.7.0
Provides authenticated access to Core
132,896 下載
roqua-rom-api 3.0.3
Provides authenticated access to ROM utilities
100,701 下載
tezos_client 2.1.0
Wrapper to the tezos client.
82,931 下載
active_interaction-active_job 0.3.2
Add ActiveJob support to ActiveInteraction gem
60,911 下載
protobuf-rpc-register 0.20.0
Register for rpc services using protobuf rpc.
50,653 下載
fizzy-api 0.1.5
Provides authenticated access to fizzy utilities
33,716 下載
convenient_service 0.19.1
Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...
27,430 下載
mercadolibre_api 0.10
Client to consume all Mercadolibre endpoints
20,228 下載
syncify 0.1.11
You can use this gem to copy records and their specified associations from production (...
16,459 下載
rql_parser 1.1.0
RqlParser is a gem for using RQL as valid params
15,527 下載
mtk_framework 1.0.1
Moneytrack's gems extensions and monkey patches.
13,900 下載
solr_makr 0.5.1
Create and manage solr collections programmatically
12,249 下載
cruft_tracker 0.2.4
Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this method even being used?!" Or, "What the heck is ...
11,789 下載
researchable-freedcamp-api 0.1.8
Wrapper around the freedcamp api
9,482 下載
makwa 1.0.2
Interactions for Ruby on Rails apps.
6,890 下載
cash_out 0.1.0
A gem to ease setup of Stripe Marketplace Payments
4,140 下載
rql-parser 1.1.2
RqlParser is a gem for using RQL as valid params
3,515 下載
mundipagg_client 0.1.0
Client for Mundipagg Payment Gateway.
2,290 下載
researchable-pdf-renderer 0.0.1
Gem for rendering result PDFs
1,860 下載