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MuranoCLI 3.2.2

Do more from the command line with Murano. Push and pull data from Murano. Get status on what things have changed. See a diff of the changes before you push. And so much more. (This gem was formerly known as MrMurano.)




  1. 3.2.3.beta.3 October 12, 2018 (213 KB)
  2. 3.2.3.beta.2 September 28, 2018 (213 KB)
  3. 3.2.3.beta.1 September 26, 2018 (213 KB)
  4. 3.2.2 September 13, 2018 (213 KB)
  5. 3.2.2.beta.4 September 11, 2018 (213 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (40)

Runtime Dependencies (26):

certified = 1.0.0
dotenv ~> 2.1.1
dumb_delegator ~> 0.8.0
eventmachine ~> 1.2.5
faye-websocket ~> 0.10.7
highline ~> 1.7.8
http-form_data ~> 1.0.3
inflecto >= 0
inifile ~> 3.0
json ~> 2.1.0
json-schema ~> 2.7.0
launchy ~> 2.4.3
mime-types ~> 3.1
mime-types-data ~> 3.2016.0521
os ~> 1.0.0
paint ~> 2.0.0
public_suffix ~> 2.0.5
rainbow ~> 2.2.2
rake ~> 12.1.0
redcarpet ~> 3.4.0
terminal-table ~> 1.8.0
tty-editor ~> 0.4.0
vine ~> 0.4

Development Dependencies (8):

byebug ~> 9.0.6
ocra = 1.3.8
rspec ~> 3.5
rubocop ~> 0.49.1
simplecov >= 0
webmock ~> 2.3.0
websocket-driver ~> 0.7.0
yard >= 0



  • Michael Conrad Tadpol Tilstra

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 111.479

Desta versão 26.067

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: ~> 2.0
