RubyGems Navigation menu


active_batch 0.0.4

Allows handling batch of ActiveJobs

13,416 下載

active_beaneater 0.1.1

Simple beanstalk backend for Rails's ActiveJob.

6,759 下載

active-behavior 0.2.1

Put each association into it's own behavior module. This makes testing and organizing ...

18,123 下載

activebilling 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,161 下載

active_billing 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,183 下載

active-billing 0.0.3

Billing for Rails

1,164 下載

active_blocks 0.0.0

ActiveBlocks is an implementation for manage decorators, form objects and operations.

3,872 下載

active_blog 0.9.0

ActiveBlog is a Rails Engine for Blogging

56,558 下載

active_blur 0.1.0

Active Blur is an Active Record extension library to enable creating indexes, updating ...

10,347 下載

active_bomb 0.9.1

ActiveResource resource base for the Giant Bomb API

10,605 下載

active_bookings 0.1.1

Make ActiveRecord models bookable with availability rules, schedule etc.

4,855 下載

active_bootstrap_skin 0.1.5

Bootstrap skin for ActiveAdmin.

41,708 下載

active_brainz 0.3.1

ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database

10,269 下載

active_breadcrumbs 0.6.1

This gem makes it easy to generate breadcrumb trails in a Rails application. The emphas...

19,039 下載

activebridge 0.1.0


1,652 下載

activebroadcast 0.1.0

Makes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks

2,233 下載

active_bugzilla 1.0.1

ActiveBugzilla is an ActiveRecord like interface to the Bugzilla API.

9,516 下載

active_builder 1.0.2

Active builder is a simple builder library to help make your params more clean

4,712 下載

active_cabinet 0.2.4

ActiveRecord-inspired interface for HashCabinet, the file-basd key-object store.

12,900 下載

active_cache 0.0.1

Conditional cache implementation

19,309 下載

active_cacher 0.1.0

Module for caching results of method invocations.

4,580 下載

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

611,074 下載

active_campaign_crm 0.2.1

A basic API wrapper for active campaign

13,838 下載

active-campaign-rails 0.2.3

See for more information

408,652 下載

active_campaign_rb 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper around active campaign api

5,613 下載

active_campaign_ruby 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,730 下載

active-campaign-simple 0.4.1

Simple Ruby REST wrapper for the ActiveCampaign

15,452 下載

active_campaign_webhooks 0.4.0

Structs and Helpers for Active Campaign webhooks

19,321 下載

active_campaign_wrapper 0.7.1

ActiveCampaign REST API

16,322 下載

active_cart 0.0.18

You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping car...

180,403 下載