axie 0.1.0
Ruby gem for interacting to commonly Axie endpoints
1,995 下載
axie-ruby 0.2.1
Ruby gem for interacting to commonly Axie endpoints
3,409 下載
axinite 0.0.11
Axinite is a clean and minimal theme for Jekyll.
7,243 下載
axiom 0.2.0
Simplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra
120,693 下載
axiom-arango-adapter 0.0.2
The ArangoDB axiom adapter
8,435 下載
axiom-do-adapter 0.2.0
Use Axiom relations with an RDBMS
8,720 下載
axiom-memory-adapter 0.2.1
Use Axiom relations with an in-memory datastore
19,888 下載
axiom_of_choice 1.0.0
Adds selection of arbitrary elements to Ruby's Set classes.
7,204 下載
axiom-optimizer 0.2.0
Optimizes axiom relations
14,871 下載
axiom-sql-generator 0.2.0
Generate SQL from a axiom relation
9,166 下載
axiom-types 0.1.1
Define types with optional constraints for use within axiom and other libraries.
99,450,472 下載
axiomus_api 0.6.1
This gem provides a Ruby wrapper over Axiomus API.
36,349 下載
axios_rails 0.14.0
Adds Axios into your Rails app.
99,838 下載
axis 0.3.0
This adaptor exposes the Axis DB. Yeah it does!
5,025 下載
axis-netcam 0.2.1
Provides a Ruby interface for interacting with network cameras from Axis Communications.
15,598 下載
axis-rails 0.0.1
Injects stylus, axis framework, slim, layouts, and assets into your rails app
4,733 下載
axi_tdl 0.2.5
tdl 是一种硬件构造语言, 和chisel类似, 但是更加有趣, 他是一种基于Ruby的DSL. 最终它会编译输出systemverilog 。
39,551 下載
axl 0.1.2
Ruby Bindings for the Cisco Administrative XML (AXL) API
8,710 下載
axle 0.0.1
Axle is a simple web framework for client-side apps.
4,791 下載
axle_attributes 1.13.2
3,753 下載
axle-producer_consumer 0.0.1
Threaded producer/consumer model. Useful when you have an expensive data producer, such...
4,957 下載
axlsx 2.0.1
xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...
17,345,837 下載
axlsx-alt 3.0.1
xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...
134,609 下載
axlsx-builder 0.0.1
An extension of Axlsx that allows you create spreadsheets blueprints for easy sheet gen...
3,506 下載
axlsx_enhanced 0.2.0
Enhances axlsx styling while building a spreadsheet by ruby code
5,427 下載
axlsx_rad 0.0.2
Efficiently create styled spreadsheets using JsonDoc::Document objects
7,501 下載
axlsx_rails 0.6.1
Axlsx_Rails provides an Axlsx renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from y...
10,990,778 下載
axlsx_report 0.1.4
Declarative excel reports based on axlsx.
9,242 下載
axlsx_styler 1.2.0
Build clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee...
3,099,329 下載
axml 0.0.7
AXML - Provides a simple, minimalistic DOM for working with data stored in an XML docum...
30,322 下載