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aws-sdk-workmailmessageflow 1.47.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkMail Message Flow. This gem is part of the AWS SDK...

42,601,421 下載

aws-sdk-workspaces 1.126.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkSpaces. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

76,544,863 下載

aws-sdk-workspacesthinclient 1.18.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client. This gem is part of the AWS SD...

2,282,317 下載

aws-sdk-workspacesweb 1.36.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon WorkSpaces Web. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

17,574,151 下載

aws-sdk-xray 1.78.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS X-Ray. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

78,061,964 下載

aws_secrets_loader 0.2.8

AWS Secret Manager Loader on Rails

19,067 下載

aws-secrets-manager 1.1.9

Support multiple plaintext and key-value aws secrets

1,037 下載

aws_security_viz 0.2.4

Provides a quick mechanism to visualize your EC2 security groups in multiple formats

322,187 下載

aws-ses 0.7.1

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

6,480,278 下載


AWS SES Client for Action Mailer

3,459 下載

aws_ses_newsletters 0.0.1

Framework that uses aws-ses to send newsletters

3,101 下載

aws-sesocio-secrets 0.1.22

Makea aws integration cross sesocio apis and services

12,693 下載

aws-ses-rails31 0.4.4

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

10,932 下載

awssession 0.3.0

AwsSession creates an AWS session

12,958 下載

aws-session-credentials 1.1.1

Command-line tool to generate AWS session credentials.

46,655 下載

aws-sessionstore-dynamodb 3.0.1

The Amazon DynamoDB Session Store handles sessions for Rack web applications using a Dy...

9,428,427 下載

aws-sessionstore-dynamodb-ruby 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

2,638 下載

aws_session_token 0.6.0

Tool to wrap AWS API to create and store Session tokens so that other commands/tools (e...

9,905 下載

aws-ses-v4 0.8.1

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

162,493 下載

awssh 0.3.2

aws ssh wrapper

58,438 下載

aws-signature-v4 0.2.0

Executes AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Process as explained at

26,999 下載

aws_signer 0.1.0

Utility to create signed URLs for uploading files straight to Amazon S3.

5,138 下載

aws-sigv2 1.2.0

Amazon Web Services Signature Version 2 signing library. Generates sigv2 signature for ...

63,814,425 下載

aws-sigv4 1.10.1

Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 signing library. Generates sigv4 signature for ...

1,177,076,313 下載

aws_site_monitor 0.1.3

Monitor sites hosted on AWS, restart ec2 machines when they go down

8,068 下載

aws_sms 0.5.0

A simple wrapper for sending SMS via AWS SNS

11,151 下載

aws_sns_kit 0.0.2

Easy integration for AWS SNS.

14,870 下載

aws_sns_manager 0.0.1

Utility for Amazon Simple Notification Service

30,838 下載

aws_sns_publisher 0.0.0

publishing sns via http.

5,189 下載

aws_sns_subscription 1.0.4

Easy confirmation of Amazon SNS subscription requests in Rails apps

39,393 下載