audite 0.4.0
Portable mp3 player built on mpg123 and portaudio
52,741 下載
audited 5.8.0
Log all changes to your models
26,205,582 下載
audited-activejob 0.0.5
Pass a user through to your active_jobs and associate it with any generated audits
88,957 下載
audited-activerecord 4.2.2
Log all changes to your ActiveRecord models
2,671,285 下載
audited_async 0.2.2
Execute audited asynchronously with ActiveJob.
29,694 下載
audited_change_set 0.0.6
change_set for acts_as_audited
24,253 下載
audited_controller 0.0.6
a rubygem to audit the actions in controllers of Rails
23,528 下載
audited-deferrable 0.1.1
Extension to the audited gem to deferred writing of audits via Resque, Delayed Job, or ...
8,277 下載
audited-hp 4.3.1
Log all changes to your models
4,821 下載
audited_logfile 0.0.12
Audited extention to log audit
39,525 下載
audited-mongo_mapper 4.2.2
Log all changes to your MongoMapper models
38,591 下載
audited-serialize 1.1.0
Сериализация аудит-логов Audited для удобного отображения
2,534 下載
audited-timeline 2.0.0
audited-timeline provides timeline frontend to audited
24,608 下載
audited-ui 0.1.0
A UI for Audited.
1,080 下載
audited_views 0.0.7
Views and controls for audited records
14,565 下載
audite-lib 0.4.5
Portable mp3 player built on mpg123 and portaudio
14,553 下載
auditing 1.4.0
acts_as_versioned is good. This allows an attribute level rollback instead
52,545 下載
auditing-middleware 0.0.3
Logging trace events in Rack Middleware
3,943 下載
auditlog 0.0.2
Rails gem to track active record model changes. Allows user to track action based model...
7,819 下載
audit_log 0.0.12
Logs of model changes, including nested attributes.
41,956 下載
audit-log 1.2.0
Trail audit logs (Operation logs) into the database for user behaviors, including a web...
120,639 下載
audit_loggable 1.1.0
Log changes to your models
5,710 下載
audit_logger 1.1.0
Logger which creates additional files for a more orderly logging information in Rails a...
6,273 下載
audit_log_parser 0.1.3
It is a library for parsing.
139,645 下載
audit_log_parser-aeber 0.1.4
It is a library for parsing.
482 下載
audit_model 0.3
With gem audit_model you can log all changes to your models.
7,807 下載
auditor 2.3.4
Auditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...
71,216 下載
auditor_tenancy 2.4.0
Auditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...
4,977 下載
auditrail 0.0.4
Track changes on Active Record models based on ActiveSupport::Callbacks and ActiveModel...
15,260 下載
audit_rails 2.0.10
An action based auditor, which has internal as well as outgoing link tracking. Provides...
109,892 下載