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asciidoctor-bibtex 0.9.0

asciidoctor-bibtex is an Asciidocotor extension that adds bibtex support for AsciiDoc d...

121,712 下載

asciidoctor-bilibili 0.0.0

An Asciidoctor extension for bilibili

2,305 下載

asciidoctor-boost 0.1.7

This library contains macros that can be used in Boost documentation.

862 下載

asciidoctor-chart 1.0.0

A set of Asciidoctor extensions that add a chart block and block macro to AsciiDoc for ...

5,473 下載

asciidoctor_cjk_breaks 0.0.2

An extension for Asciidoctor that suppresses line breaks between east asian characters.

3,959 下載

asciidoctor-comment-links 0.0.2

It is an Asciidoctor Extension, it turns the link in the comment of the source block in...

1,761 下載

asciidoctor-confluence 0.0.2

Asciidoctor-Confluence allows to parse asciidoc files, transform them into HTML and the...

26,992 下載

asciidoctor-confluence-fix 0.0.3

This is an implementation of asciidoctor/asciidoctor-confluence. Asciidoctor-Confluence...

4,422 下載

asciidoctor-confluence_publisher 0.1.1

Asciidoctor-Confluence parse asciidoc and publish the document to confluence.

6,127 下載

asciidoctor-confluence-sy 0.1.0

This is an implementation of asciidoctor/asciidoctor-confluence. Asciidoctor-Confluence...

3,765 下載

asciidoctor-csand 0.3.4

asciidoctor-csand lets you write CSA Normal Documents (CSAND) in AsciiDoc syntax. This...

18,048 下載

asciidoctor-csd 0.4.6

asciidoctor-csd lets you write CSD in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development.

31,499 下載

asciidoctor-defmastership 1.1.2

asciidoctor-defmastership allows to define applicable definitions re...

19,520 下載

asciidoctor-diagram 2.3.1

Asciidoctor diagramming extension

2,557,941 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-batik 1.17

Apache™ Batik SVG Toolkit JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem

151,143 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-cacoo 0.2.2

a ruby gem for asciidoctor-diagram to use Cacoo diagrams

4,624 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini 1.0.3

Ditaa JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem

997,988 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-eralchemy 0.1.0

This extension generates Entity Relationship (ER) diagram.

2,722 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-jsyntrax 1.38.2

JSyntrax JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem

786 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-office 0.1.2

An Asciidoctor extension to convert office document to SVG or PNG

4,661 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml 1.2024.6

PlantUML JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem

1,019,121 下載

asciidoctor-diagram-stupid 0.1.0

Generate Stupid diagrams with Asciidoctor.

3,171 下載

asciidoctor-dita-topic 1.0.8

An extension for AsciiDoctor that converts a single AsciiDoc file to a DITA topic.

1,599 下載


A tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out...

50,710 下載

asciidoctor-epub3 2.1.3

An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to EPUB3 e-book format.

117,626 下載

asciidoctor-external-callout 1.2.1

If you can't add callout markers to your source listing(if you need to keep a shell scr...

5,322 下載

asciidoctor-fb2 0.7.0

Converts AsciiDoc documents to FB2 e-book formats

23,262 下載

asciidoctor-fixxrefs 0.0.1

Asciidoctor fix xrefs

501 下載

asciidoctor-foodogsquared-extensions 1.2.1

foo-dogsquared's set of Asciidoctor extensions as a Gem. This is where I implemente...

1,770 下載

asciidoctor-gb 0.3.7

asciidoctor-gb lets you write GB standards (Chinese national standards) in AsciiDoc syn...

23,837 下載