RubyGems Navigation menu


argon_admin 0.1.0

Generates admin panel based on Argon Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim. Project...

2,277 下載

argonaut 0.0.2

JSON Builder

10,705 下載

argonaut-cli 0.1.10

This gem lets users manipulate argonaut using the command line interface

6,726 下載

argonuts-ruby 0.1.6

Official client library to the Argonuts API (

4,252 下載

argos 1.0

A slim command-line parser that does one thing well: turn an array of arguments into a ...

4,777 下載


A ruby script that displays your current tarsnap ballance in picoUSD. The script can se...

17,752 下載

argos-ruby 1.2.6

Argos ( webservice client and Argos legacy file (DS/DAT an...

61,042 下載

argparse 0.0.5

A gem for parsing command line arguments

2,974 下載

argparser 2.1.1

== Yet another ruby command line argument parser library

20,318 下載

arg-parser 0.4.1

ArgParser is a simple, yet powerful command-line argument parser, with support ...

41,786 下載

args 0.0.0

Argument parsing for ruby

4,826 下載

arg_scanner 0.3.3

Program execution tracker to retrieve data types information

11,205 下載

argser 1.7

Argser (from 'ARGuments parSER') is a library that aims to simplify the process of pars...

28,199 下載

args-handler 0.0.2

A small library to generate HTML for wished arguments form hashes.

16,226 下載

argshelper 0.1.11

A simple command line argument helper

2,868 下載

args_parser 0.2.0

Parse/Filter/Validate ARGV from command line with DSL.

93,597 下載

ArgsParser 1.0.0

* Parse args from command line.

46,361 下載

argspec 0.3.3

RSpec style(ish) checks for arguments

13,858 下載

args.rb 0.0.1

A simple command line argument parser

3,639 下載

args_to_attrs 0.2.0

Set instance attributes from method arguments

2,248 下載

argsy 0.1.1

Tiny "commands & options" DSL for your CLI scripts

4,193 下載

arg-that 0.1.0

arg-that provides a simple method to create an argument matcher in equality comparisons.

21,787 下載

argtrace 0.2.0

library to trace arguments of method calls or block calls with TracePoint and do callback.

4,328 下載

arguard 0.0.2

Arguard is a help library for guard clauses.

5,088 下載

argumenta 0.0.0

Social argument collaboration ~ A Ruby implementation of Argumenta's core library.

4,214 下載

argumentative 0.0.1beta

Flexible argument processing in a readable, declarative style!

2,426 下載

arguments 0.6

You don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support. Argumen...

6,993 下載

argus 0.4.0

Argus is a Ruby interface to a Parrot AR Drone quadcopter.Argus is extremely experiment...

12,914 下載

argus-builder 0.0.4

Docker image builder for AWS Elastic Container Registry.

10,844 下載

argus-ruby 1.0.0

This is the official Ruby library for the ARGUS Engine, this library helps Ruby develo...

309 下載