apollo-grid 1.0.0.pre.alpha.3
Apollo Grid
2,062 下載
apollon 0.0.6
CLI for Apollo Fat Box
17,137 下載
apollo-ruby 1.0.5
🚀Ruby client for ctrip/apollo (
1,646 下載
apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing
76,804 下載
apollo-tools 0.1.7
A gem for interacting with remote hosts in various ways
23,549 下載
apollo-tracing 1.6.0
Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.
462,056 下載
apollo_upload_server 2.1.6
apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware.
35,813,933 下載
apollo_upload_server-ruby 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
3,212 下載
apolo 0.0.3
Metric, Monitoring & automation services framework.
4,066 下載
apolopag 0.1.0
SDK Integration with Apolopag Payment
2,536 下載
apontador_oauth2 0.1.5
Apontador Oauth2 is a helper for help requests to Api of Apontador
11,666 下載
apophis 0.2.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
8,601 下載
apoptosis 0.0.5 I got the idea for this gem during JRubyConf durin...
24,069 下載
apostle 0.2.3
: Send emails via Apostle
56,780 下載
apostle-rails 0.1.3
Rails Bindings for Apostle
42,958 下載
apostrophize 0.0.1
A simple gem to help you add apostrophes to your strings with ease
2,146 下載
apotomo 1.3.2
Web component framework for Rails providing widgets that trigger events and know when a...
294,174 下載
apotomo-animate 0.0.1
Make your AJAX powered apotomo widgets have more sizzle; animate them as the appear!
5,806 下載
apotomo-datatable 0.0.2
A jQuery Datatable widget built on Apotomo. Render a jQuery datatable for a model/contr...
8,764 下載
app 1.2.0
Move the config out of your app, and into App.
167,049 下載
app2engine 0.0.5
Ease the conversion of a Rails 3 app in an Engine
26,656 下載
app42 0.7.0
Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on App42PaaS.
50,015 下載
App42_Ruby_API 0.8.4
gem containing all the sdk
4,305 下載
App42_RUBY_SDK 0.8.3
gem containing all the sdk
8,125 下載
apparat 0.0.2
Project Sprouts support for Apparat
9,946 下載
apparatus 0.1.2
Systematic approach to controlling complex business logic by using entity-component-sys...
456 下載
app_archetype 1.5.3
Code project template renderer
15,873 下載
apparel 0.0.0
3,447 下載
apparition 0.6.0
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...
931,521 下載
appatra 0.0.1
Write desktop, mobile or phone applications once and in Ruby. Run anywhere. Really.
5,617 下載