RubyGems Navigation menu


AoBane 0.1.18

AoBane The Markdown engine powered by BlueFeather

87,104 下載

aobgame 1.0.0

Just a basic game created for a pretty good course. Hi Joana and David 👋🏾

1,387 下載

aob_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML info for my views.

2,619 下載

aoc 0.0.1

Advent of Code toolkit to fetch inputs and submit answers efficiently.

4,779 下載

aoc_cli 1.0.1

A command-line interface for the Advent of Code puzzles. Features include downloading p...

12,725 下載

aocli 1.5.0

Command line application to retrieve advent of code challenges and create boilerplate s...

5,933 下載

aoc_rb 0.2.5

Tools for creating a new project for your Advent of Code solutions, built using Ruby.

10,609 下載

ao_crudify 0.1.0

A dynamic resource controller for Rails > 2.3 and ActiveObject ORM that keeps your cont...

5,498 下載

aoc_toolkit 0.0.3

Advent Of Code toolkit to setup and maintain quiz environment.

4,063 下載

aoj 0.0.6

AOJ is a command-line tool for AOJ(Aizu Online Judge). You can submit your source to AO...

12,651 下載

a_okay 0.1.0

A simple controller that just returns if everything is 'a okay'!

12,327 下載

aong 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

3,530 下載

aoororachain 0.1.5

Ruby chain tools to work with LLMs

2,527 下載

aop 1.0.2

Thin and fast framework for Aspect Oriented Programming in Ruby.

19,526 下載

ao_phone_number 1.0.0

ao_phone_number é uma Ruby gem para validar números e operadoras móveis de Angola.

3,429 下載

aor 0.0.1.alpha

admin template

2,199 下載

aor-authentication 0.1.0.alpha1


1,938 下載

aor-authorization 0.1.0.alpha3


5,697 下載

aor_bootstrap 0.0.1

Bootstrap CSS.

3,391 下載

aor-bootstrap 3.3.7.alpha1


1,948 下載

aortega7-rubycalc 0.0.2

An implementation of a basic calculator on ruby

4,163 下載

aor-theme 0.1.0.alpha1


1,946 下載

aos 0.1.0

This gem handles animations in a beautifull way keeping the integrity of the initial ef...

3,636 下載

aotoki 0.1.0

I am aotoki!

7,397 下載

aozora 0.2.0

Lipsum generator for Japanese

23,075 下載

aozora2html 3.0.1

converter from Aozora Bunko format into xhtml. It's based of t2hs.rb from kumihan.aozor...

31,740 下載

aozora4reader 1.2.1

Aozora Bunko converter for Sony Reader

13,226 下載

aozoragen 0.3.5

Scraping some Ebook web site and generating AOZORA format text files.

87,506 下載

aozora-polly 0.3.1

aozora bunko

7,325 下載

aozora-ssml 0.1.2

aozora bunko

7,221 下載