RubyGems Navigation menu


animate_css_on_rails 0.1.0

Gem for adding Animate.css support to Ruby on Rails projects

3,647 下載

animate-css-rails 3.5.2

A simple asset wrapper for the animate.css. See

28,355 下載

animate.css-rails 3.2.0

animate.css's CSS for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.

56,670 下載

animatedgif 0.0.2

A ruby library for playing gif

5,878 下載

animated_gif_detector 0.1.1

Reads a stream and determines if it's an animated GIF

20,188 下載

animatedgifme 0.0.3

A ruby library for

9,701 下載

animatedgifme-v1 1.0.1

A v1 of ruby library for A gem example from GoRails by Chris Ol...

3,938 下載

animatedgifoscar 0.1.0

This is just a test I learn.

2,689 下載

animatedledstrip-client 0.7

Library for connecting to an AnimatedLEDStripServer

5,990 下載

animate-rails 1.0.10

animate.css for rails

1,244,175 下載

animate-sass 0.1.1

Animate.sass is a Sass and Compass CSS animation library for WebKit, Firefox and beyond...

21,732 下載

animate.sass-rails 0.0.1

As expected...

8,250 下載

animate-scss 0.0.5

Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline

126,235 下載

animation 0.1.alpha.3

css3 animations plugin for compass, with core animation mixins, and optional defaul ani...

232,953 下載

animation-studio 0.1.6

A long description of this awesome compass extension

22,792 下載

animator 0.0.4

Animator is a cleanly namespaced ActiveRecord plugin that hooks into the existing model...

4,089 下載

anime 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,838 下載

AnimeDL 1.0.5

The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime

24,218 下載

animeface 0.0.2

animeface gem

2,714 下載

animehunter-mongo 0.9

A Ruby driver for the 10gen Mongo DB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www....

4,210 下載

animehunter-mongo_ext 0.5

C extensions to accelerate the MondoDB Ruby driver. For more information about Mongo, s...

10,577 下載

anime_js_rails 1.1.0

Makes it simple to include the anime.js library (by Guinsly Mondesir) in the Rails asse...

5,288 下載

animemap-api-ruby 0.0.1

A ruby client for Anime TV Program API.

4,060 下載

animenewsnetwork 0.0.4

AnimeNewsNetwork API

16,141 下載


Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API....

2,245 下載

anime_renamer 0.3.0

CLI to rename anime episodes

5,827 下載

animo 0.0.1

Animo allows building scalable Ruby web services. It emphasizes a distinct separation o...

387 下載

Animotion 0.0.2

RubyMotion wrapper abstraction for UIView animations.

9,461 下載

animoto 1.5.6

The Animoto API is a RESTful web service that transforms images, videos, music, and tex...

103,351 下載

animoto_gmail 0.0.2

Ruby Gmail Client over IMAP.

11,444 下載