aliyun_chatbot 0.1.0
aliyun chatbot sdk
2,507 下載
aliyun-cloudpush 0.2.0
aliyun cloud push
6,228 下載
aliyun-cloud_sms 0.2.3
Send short message via aliyun cloud service.
47,584 下載
aliyun_dypns 0.1.1
aliyun dypns sdk
4,095 下載
aliyun-dysms 0.0.2
4,732 下載
aliyun_dysms_sdk 0.1.1
aliyun dysms sdk
2,740 下載
Aliyun email push sdk.
6,871 下載
aliyun-ess 0.1.7
Full documentation of the currently supported API can be found at
21,110 下載
aliyun_exmail_csv_generator 0.1.0
Read the names from input, generate a csv file for importing accounts of aliyun exmail.
2,849 下載
aliyun-facebody 1.0.0
Ruby Implements For Aliyun FaceBody API
544 下載
aliyun_green 0.1.4
Write a longer description or delete this line.
4,435 下載
aliyun_iot 0.2.0
Aliyun IoT sdk
10,928 下載
aliyun_live 0.1.1
aliyun live sdk
4,950 下載
aliyun-log 0.2.13
Aliyun Log SDK for Ruby 阿里云日志服务(SLS) Ruby SDK, 目前仅实现基于Restfull部分接口和简单Model映射
23,168 下載
aliyun_mns 0.1.11
aliyun mns http api for topic
14,976 下載
aliyun_mns_queue 0.0.2
ruby client for aliyun mns queue without topic
5,303 下載
aliyun-mqs 0.1.1
Non-official SDK for Aliyun MQS
7,436 下載
aliyun-mq-sdk 0.1.2
Aliyun MQ actions, send order message, receive, delete.
6,933 下載
aliyun-mts 0.0.0
Ruby SDK for Aliyun MTS API development
3,075 下載
aliyun-nlp_api 0.1.0
2,411 下載
aliyun_nlp_ruby 0.0.2
Aliyun NLP ruby sdk
2,386 下載
aliyun-odps 0.4.2
It is a full-featured Ruby Library for Aliyun ODPS API. Enjoy it!
11,072 下載
aliyun_open_search 0.6.0
Aliyun OpenSearch Syncs and Search
30,113 下載
aliyun-opensearch-client 0.1.2
对接Aliyun Opensearch 的流量API HTTP接口, 生成签名并发送请求
1,723 下載
aliyunoss 0.2.4
Access Aliyun-OSS service easily in ruby.
14,071 下載
Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API
19,202 下載
aliyunoss-activestorage-adapter 0.1.5
A plugin that enables Rails App using Aliyun OSS, this gem depends on aliyunoss gem.
2,859 下載
Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API
4,332 下載
Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API
3,598 下載
aliyun-oss-ruby-sdk 0.4.1
A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service
3,559 下載